First day in Kampar- Exhausted
Argh..i can't believe that i finally stay in kampar and tomorrow is my first day for my second semester. this time everything is so different !! once i have arrived, i need to pack my stuff!! wah!! very tiring,man, then i need to sweep the floor, mop them..argh!!!!. it's not that this is the first time i have done all these just that i felt more tiring than doing all these at home. once i have done everything, i started to practise my cycling. OMG!! i just couldn't believe that my cycling SUCKS! Whoa...this is serious,man. if i did not do it right today, i need to walk to school lol. okay, of course i have practised my cycling before-at my friend's house and i have succeeded!!! " i even bragged about it in front of my friends ..whyla..i did that..hahaha..of course i can walk to school, it's no big deal actually, kind of near you know, my average walking distance... cheh wah ...hahaha ..the big problem is...i have bought a bike and if i'm no...