goodbye SCOTIABANK!! (31/12/2008)

Okay, i should have posted this LONG TIME just that i'm TOO obsessed with my own "stuff" that ONCE AGAIN..i have been postponing my entries...(lol)
at first, i don't really feel anything when i was going to leave the bank. all i know is, i just can't wait to LEAVE!!!! let go everything and flee.....however, the ice in my heart has been melted when some of them shook my hands and wished me Good luck in my studies. i was kind of toucheD, because i never expected all these things to happen to me (lol). out of sudden, i felt sad pulak....

i really learned a lot of things when i worked here. i really know what my goal really is and my future plan as well (old). one thing that i really learned is WE MUST GET A HIGH POST WHEN WE START TO WORK, otherwise, all those so-called highly paid and "gilap kasut" people will DEFINITELY look down on you. they wouldn't even bother to know your name and simply call you by assigning any "name" that they know...argh!!! is this what they really learned, i mean..high-educated possess this kind of attitude. they start to respect you only when they aware that you are not not that kind of "rubbish". ceh.....i swear to myself that, i must work hard and prove to them one day, okay, some of them, i mean.

BUT of course, for sure there are still some human being who know how to define respect and remain low-profile. i will never forget them.

okay the followings is the summary about my colleagues:
Collection Department
*uncle forgetful- always forget to sign all those important documents. even if he did
sign them, for sure he will miss some of the documents. you really
need to stand beside and watch him sign.(lol) oh yea, he always
what he have said before (lol). he really needs a secretory.
*Ms Auction- okay is the only thing that i can relate her (lol).this is because she
the person in charge for house auction whenever the borrower can't
settle their housing loan. anyway, she is one of the nicest person that
i knew so far. she really acts like my mom ever since she has pregnant.
she is the person who told me to leave early during christmas eve, the
person who really cares me. i wish you and your husband to have a
healthy baby.
* Ms clumsy- yea, sometimes she does act clumsy and she can be really kan cheung if
something goes wrong. to me, she is kind of cute (lol). she is another
person who really treats people well. the one who really care for people
welfare. based on my comment, you will surprise if her post is the 3rd
highest for collection department.
* Ms newly-wed- hahaha, she did get married recently and just came back from
honeymoon. this lady or i should call her woman (hahaha) is such a
cutie. the way she laugh and speak are really cute. however, my
senior told me that, her attitude changes to 180 degree when she
collects debt from customers...hahaha
* Mr Funny guy- well, based on the nickname, he is indeed a funny and humorous guy.
whenever our head of department commented about their work (sth bad)
he willl definitely make a joke of it. for example, there was once
when the collection officers were being called for meeting by our
boss, most likely they were being "scold". But this guy told us that
"the boss asked us to go inside to choose our favourite cakes 'our
boss got this hobby of baking cakes for his subordinates'"
he had created another joke when one of our colleagues met a
motorbike accident. the mr nice guy said that "kambing langgar
dia". hahaha
*Mr Nice guy- yea, he is really nice to his colleague. very easy going as well. he
face does resemble my friend.
* Ms CD- okay, this is the short form for her name. she is a funny and cheerful
mother. i heard that she is an expert in collecting debts (lol) The
Supervisor for collection department.
Retail & Admin Department
*Planta- this nickname is given by my senior (hahaha) why?? because for her, this
is easy to be tackled. However, she wears the most serious look in the
department. i prefer the way she comments on people mistake. but, somehow
my senior never likes her. she can get really panic over small matters.
*Planta's assistant- this the very least person that i like. from the outside she
seems really nice BUT, of course her "inside" is totally
different from outside (lol). she likes to "kecoh" the whole
department over a small matter (ceh). sometimes very "kecil
hati", working with her is a torture.
*Ms Eyeliner- another person that i don't really like. she does not have the
patience to teach newcomers. she hates people ask her a lot of
questions regarding works. she is the one who uses the company phone
and goyang kaki. sorry to sayla...she is a bit "hiau" (flirtatious)
even after she had married. But, she changed her attitude towards
me a few days before i left. hahaha
* Ms Happy Mother- she always tells us her
daughter's achievement especially when her daughter won any debate competition or if her essays got chosen
to be posted by newspaper company. well, who wouldn't? if i have a smart daughter (hahaha)
* My senior- older than me 3 years. she is talkative and seems to know everyone in
the company.that's why i always call her to do "survey" for me. (anything, leng cai or leng lui or any new comer) she is a bold girl who seldom keeps her feeling to herself.
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