Sports Toto Fitness Centre
Because I'm feeling bored with my fitness DVD,
Because exercise alone is super boring,
Because I'm getting more and more demotivated exercising alone,
Because this will be another 'way' I can get to know more people (lol).
I have waited for like a month before I can register , *need to save money =P
So, I'm paying RM 880 for six months, the package included with exercise equipment, various aerobic classes. yoga, cycling, locker and sauna and the best thing is you can stay there as long as you want from 7.30 am until 10.30 PM.
Because of this, I have bought 2 exercise pants from F.O.S, which cost me around RM75, a pair of running shoes from Reebok which cost me RM330 including a pair of socks and a 4Gb Walkman + MP3 player which cost me RM199.00 @@. I didn't buy any exercise shirts because, hey! I got lots of shirts in my house! *Literally broke for this month because of these. T_T
After working hour, I went straight to the gym, changed my attire and get on treadmill for a few minutes before the aerobic class got started. 20 minutes before the aerobic class , there will be announcement through the PA system and those who are interested have to register during that time. *Pro, huh?
The aerobic class that I enrolled is called BodyStep. There are other classes with the same schedule as well such as SH' Bam and BodyPump. I simply made my choices actually. *lol.
I went into the dance room, waiting for the trainer with other trainees. In front of us, there was this rectangular box, which was a tool for the dance. Within seconds, the room was boomed with hot songs, total fit for aerobic dance. Initially, the move was okay, I meant I can follow them a least. Only when I reached those fast moves, I started to act like a clumsy chicken LOL. However, sneaked a peep on the people beside you or in front are really helpful.
The class lasted for 1 hour and there was a few minutes interval between each session, just a very short break for you to catch your breath and drink some water.
Trust me, for every session, I thought that I had just finished my run on a track. I was totally exhausted, my heart was pumping so hard as if it was gonna to explode, I was sweating profusely and panting so heavily. I can feel that my whole body muscles were trembling for ENERGY !! Funny thing was, I didn't bring along my water bottle, so, I was almost dehydrated. *gotta remember to bring one.
The class was good because there were around 20 participants there . * I thought most Malaysian seldom exercise HAHAHAHHA. What I realized from this class is that, I have weak upper body. Totally failed when doing those push-ups or workouts for upper body. Need to train more on that now.
Because I was so exhausted after the class, I went home straight. At first I thought I'm going to enroll for the next class dance at 7.20 PM and 8.20 PM. Bah!!!. I was too tired. Maybe tomorrow. LOL.
Good thing is, I felt lighter after the workout. Fantastic, baby!! HAHAHAHAH. I can see the sun now, for my thighs. HAHAHAHAH. 본론으로 다시 들어가자면 이렇게 먹튀피해가 많이 발생되어지다 보니 사설토토사이트들을 검증하는 토토검증업체들이 생겨나기 시작한것입니다.