Steamed ALIVE!!

The weather is HOT;
My drinking water is warm;
Pipe water is warm;
Heater is auto warm;
Me? Confined in a four walled room, left with only a small tiny window (I don't think it's called a window) up near the roof BEING STEAMED ALIVE!!!
Sweating profusely while reading lecture notes;
Feeling restlessly inside the room for the whole time;
Changing my reading position from time to time;
Attempted to scream loudly but don't have the gut to do it *my housemate might think I'm qi xiao*;
Feel like eating the whole time, otherwise just take a nap which can last for ONE HOUR instead of 10 minutes =.=;
Wishing for something SWEET @-@;
Bingo! Endorphine!;
Bath for at least 3 times a day and start to sweat like mad after 30 minutes!!
Desire to eat one cone of ice-cream ><;
No no no, just guzzle one glass of bubble tea with chocolate flavor ><!!!;
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