FOOD ~ it’s not all about eating

Okay, there is no way you hate food, especially gurls!!!

Throughout your entire life;

EAT is your happiest moment that you ever had;

FOOD is the most precious asset to you;

Don't worry, I'm not encouraging you guys TO EAT! <laugh>, this time I want to share what oatmeal, honey and yogurt can be used except for eating especially for GIRLS!! Ya'll gonna LOVE IT

By looking at the ingredients, I think most of you must have the slightest idea what am I going to talk about.

Yup, it's for facial treatment!

I know..i know…some of you must be wondering..why on earth I'm talking about facial treatment here? When there will be ENDOCRINOLOGY TEST 2 ON THURSDAY!!

Come on girls, you love your skin don't you? Especially girls who are studying in Science Stream! You know all the hectic that we all are going through, right?

And the EFFECTS are :




Enlarged pores,

And all know it.

Seeing all these, are you going to leave it like that? Keep on applying all those facial cream or cover it up with layer upon layers of make up (okay maybe powder) that seem doesn't work effectively at all.

I know, if possible, you don't want to wear make up at all. Who doesn't want to look natural, huh?

We tend to attracted to those advertising products that claim to be effectively make your skin looks better. You know, beautiful , radiant and you name it. Seriously, which product that actually works for

our skin? okay, it might work for some of you, but not for everyone. Different people got different types of skin, so do the effects of all those products. Seeing this, why not go for natural? Instead of

putting all those chemicals onto your skin, why not try something that is less dangerous and more friendly to your body and of course CHEAPER!!

I believe, most of you, okay like me, must have spent or I should say INVEST! Your money into skin care products. You all know how much it has costed you, right and the effect is…"erhem"…><

Honestly. the method that i'm going to introduce is for more better than all those masks on the market. I mean, they claim that, for better result, apply it 2 -3 times per week. BUT, this method you can straightly see the effect after you have washed your face..your face can actually GLOW..under the sunshine.. WAHAHAHA..dun's true.

I know, some of the mask really help you, BUT..that will be way expensive, i tell you. for example, 100 ++ you only have 10 pcs per!! how much you can afford it, huh? like me, i tried rm20++ before and the effect is ..urgh...nothing ! really i don't see any changes. all i can see is my face is wet and oily..eaw... . Perhaps, the one i bought was RM20++ so, the effect is also 20% LOL..hahaha. well, what do you expect? that was the first time i apply mask onto my face, and you don't actually expect me to try something that is RM100++ for my first attempt. what if i really bought it and in the end i just realized that i have actually dump my RM100++ into Laut China Selatan LOL..HAHAHAH..correct what?

Okay, now, back to business, you all just need 3 simple ingredients that you can easily obtain from any grocery stores and of course the nearest to UTAR students are TESCO!! XD

  1. Oatmeal (recommended 1 teaspoon)
  2. Natural yogurt (2-3 teaspoon, depends)
  3. Honey (1 teaspoon)

    Unless you are sensitive to any of these, then PLEASE DO NOT TRY IT.

    Very simple, add all the ingredients little by little and don't forget to stir it thoroughly throughout the process and finally add a little bit of water. and you ready to apply it onto your face.

    Feeling confused? Unclear? Don't worry, there will be a video to guide you and of course the heroin is NOT ME okay..yea, I curi the recipe from this gurl.. and hey it works perfectly ! and you are

    going to love it! Trust me, I just tried it just now XD!!

    you can actually checkout this gurl channel in YouTube. She has lots of make up tutorials , tips and fashions for you all !! for sure you gonna luv her very much. <hahaha>

BEWARE: try to constraint yourselves to eat the paste!! it tastes so good..yea, i ate it just now... that's why i recommend one teaspoon of oatmeal is sufficient... .


  1. wow, what an informative post. ;)
    nice job...

  2. ur face VERY CLEAN D...u shud share some tips oso ar...XD

  3. not that clean laaa wey... |||
    but ok ok loh hehe~
    well tips ar, i'm not metrosexual but, sleep early and eat veggies and fruits will have better beauty lol~


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