Hopefully can save more $$$$ XDXD

Been to Tesco just now.

Wandering from shelves to shelves looking for FOOD that is wholesome, cheap yet appetizing. XDXD

Ever since moving to this new house, my spending expenditure has increased.

Reason is, my room rental accounts half of my monthly pocket money RM250!!!

Leaving me facing economy crisis by the end of the semester. ><

Thanks to my beloved parents that I do not have to declare bankruptcy YET. XDXD

Not long after that, I realized that I need to find a solution. Particularly for this semester where I have to carry out my FYP for the 3 months break.

I'm not sure whether PTPTN will release money during that period. Better don't take the risk right?

And not to mention I need money for my project. Yea..UTAR do provide some of the expenses but it might not sufficient. T_T

The only way I can reduce my spending expenditure is from FOOD. As if I there is other way LOL. =.-

Due to this reason, I have to cancel out my plan eating economy rice with my friend for lunch and dinner. T_T

Come and think of it:

1 meal = Rm 3.50

1 day (lunch & dinner) = Rm 7.00

1 week = Rm 28

1 month = RM112

These haven't included the money that I'm going to spent on Fruits ,breakfast and other expenditures.

NO CHOICE! I have resorted to prepare my own meal. Finally can fully utilize my rice cooker rather than just boil water. =.=|||

Now, herethe real problem starts.

Preparing my own meal means i have to make sure the nutrients are well-balanced! Don't laugh o…>< perhaps, watching too many House episodes become Kia Xi already and not to forget that "What do you do? We are Biomedical Science" LOL. Can't deny that, taking this course results in increased awareness on your body functions Of course!! Wanting to lose weight at the same time will really affect your assessment of food that you are going to take in.

Previously, these are my source of nutrients:


carbohydrate - wholemeal bread (wholesome, nutritious, cheaper). -> 4 slices/ meal or unfried Instanst noodles

fats – Peanut butter

Protein – Tofu

Fiber – Raw cabbage, apples, kiwi

Other nutrients – oats, apples, kiwi and cabbage

Cincai –cincai see seems like all the nutrients are there. The problem is……..

I easily got bored with bread. Imaging yourselves eating bread for your meals for everyday. ><!! Yuck!!!

It really turns me off LOL. They are not tasty at all

If you ask me, I prefer noodles. I was afraid that I will suffer from certain nutrients deficiency that I forced myself to swallow down all the dry bread. Urgh!!! >< Don't forget, I can't fully depend on instant noodles

Not only that, it's not really fulfilling eating all these foods compared to eating economy rice. Confirmed got really hungry after 3 hours for every meal. Yea..used to eat only main meal without tea-time previously.

Another problem is I need LOTS OF FIBER.

Honestly, 1 big apple perday + cabbage is not sufficient to guarantee my "output" for everyday early in the morning. What to do? Blame my slow bowel movement lor.

Which means, I need to eat MORE FRUITS!! Invest more money in fruits > increase money expenditure as they are not CHEAP at all.

Since, I'm trying SO HARD to turn some of the fats in my body into muscle, I need lots of PROTEIN! Seriously, without protein fuel, you will hardly successful even though you do strength training everyday. ><

Finally, I have came out with my second plan! XDXD

Since I will definitely feel hungry again after 3 hours, I have decided to eat 5 meals perday. Normally, a person will feel hungry every 3-4 hour/ meal. Regardless what you eat, there is no food that can sustain for 6 hours till you reach you dinner. Haiz………if only if……..><

2nd plan

Carbohydrate – Vermicelli (bee hoon). Healthier than instant noodles, more fulfilling, cheaper and you don't have to wait for 2 mins!!! * The noodles are quickly softened right after you pour boiled water. XDXD Rm 9.75 for 3 kg
. I prefer to eat with soup and I have bought a jar of tom yam paste for that purpose. Rm 7.95 for 454 g. Definitely can save a lot of money!!! XDXD

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs (provide full source of proteins) + I slice of whole meal bread with peanut butter spread+ 1 cup of green tea

Morning tea – 5 pieces of biscuits * can't totally skip snack as i will turn into hantu lapar aka craving once i got my hands on them in the future. ><

Lunch - Tom yam Bee hoon soup + 2 apples (小)

Evening tea – 5 pieces of biscuits

Dinner – Tom yam Bee hoon soups + 2 apples (小) + 1 orange.

*one fist-full of green peas for reading snacks. Can hardly concentrate during revision. Hahahahahaha

By following these, hopefully I can save more money by spending RM400/ month maximum. lol!!! Amitabha……………


  1. Lol..first time I see people really plan for each meal. But macam kurang protein in each meal except breakfast. Haha:P I think the prob of you spending a lot maybe because Tesco is nearby your hostel :)

  2. 2 eggs enuf gua..hopefully lar..hahahahaha where got jek...i buy things at tesco oso buy sth i need oni o...><


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