Trust me, you are going to love this film. The whole movie is HILARIOUS. I have been laughing non-stop that I have to stifle it with my pillow, just to muffled the sound. Thanks to Brendan Fraser, who brought you the laughter. For your information, he is the main lead for The Mommy sequels and also Journey to the Center of the Earth. Through The Mommy, I found out that he is a great American Comedian. Guess what, he made my fear disappear when I watch The Mommy. Love this guy so much! Don’t get fooled by his body shape at the moment. He was once a very fit man. Well, judging from his previous movies, you know what I mean. somehow, he reminded me of Mr. Incredible. Now that I think back, both of them look similar to each other. If there is going to be a remake for The Incredible, he must join the cast as Mr. Incredible. Aside from him, i couldn't think of any other actor that can portray the character. A HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AMERICAN COMEDY FILM. Rating: 5/5