After several days of being unable to access Facebook with the LATEST version of Mozilla Firefox, I FINALLY can do it by today. I bet it must be the browser incompatibility issue. You know, Firefox is too up to date sometimes. I mean, comparing it with other browsers, I think so far only Firefox always come out with new updates or add-on. Being up to date is a pro, however the con is applications incompatibility is the major concern here.
I had been using other browsers such as Internet Explorer and Google Chrome for these few days. However, the more I’m using them, the more I missed my Firefox. The feeling is isn’t right. Reason is, I have been so used to all the functions and tabs of Firefox and not to mention all the applications I have installed were basically to boost my Firefox performance. This has caused other functions in different browsers like aliens to me. LOL.
At first I was suspecting my account being hacked by God-Only-Know-Who. However, come and think of it. Why someone out of no where chose to hack my account? Who am i? A celebrity? Hottest Facebook user? Top Favorite Facebook user? No! No! No! Basically, I’m just an ordinary and occasional Facebook user.
I used to be a hardcore fan of Facebook. I posted nearly everything onto my wall. However, this means I will become less active with my blog. Anyhow, I have to choose between both of them and devoted to my choice. Now that I am a frequent blogger (if all those nonsense I wrote earlier were counted =P), it does feel a little awkward for me to update my status on Facebook. As if suddenly, I’m exposed to the outside world with a huge population. I’m not sure why I have this mindset, maybe it simply because I’m not used to do that anymore.
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