
Showing posts from December, 2012
Fighting off sleepiness even though I am aware that I got to sleep early because I need to wake up early to pack my stuff for Hanoi trip. I KNOW! Last minute work! So Like ME! is me... Supposed to do it last week but...had been delaying it simply because I am too lazy. Another reason is, I 'feel' I have bought enough supplies for my Hanoi trip so...I don't feel the rush. LOL. So daring! These few days has been really watching my calories and burn as many of them as possible because I am going to be away for 5 days without workout but only FOOD! I can't bear the thought of seeing my thighs got bigger after the trip. It is not easy to shrink those extra flabs. Damn.... Got the slightest feeling that I am bringing not enough cash for my trip.since most of my colleagues bringing more cash than me. I keep on telling myself... relax...peer pressure only... lol. All the expenses are bared by company and the cash that I am bringing are solely for additiona...

First time ever felt so scared to take lift alone

As usual, I was humming with a song playing by my SONY Mp3 while walking. Hardly paying any attention to my surrouding when I was walking into an elevator. When the door closed, I kept on humming the song while the elevator was going up. Suddenly the lift stop abruptly at level 3, I felt a sudden jolt. I was shocked, thinking that, Oh No! Is the lift going to break down NOW? I was staring at the screen, showing the number of floor that the lift had stopped. The screen was displaying number 3 and it paused there. Neither going up or down. I was like, Uh-oh, I am stucked in a lift. ALONE! Anyhow, instead of pressing the alarm button, I pressed the 'open' button. Unsure why, my mind was thinking asking for help by pressing the alarm button but my finger just went to the 'open' button instead. THANK GOD that the lift OPENED! I quickly stepped out. Then, I was staring at the screen, half-heartedly hope the lift continued to stuck at level 3. Don't get me wrong, j...

Alternative way to charge my Sony MP3 player

Instead of using the conventional way to charge my Sony Mp3 (USB Charge) which is very troublesome since I hardly use my laptop now. The reason why I only charge my Mp3 in office. I just discovered this new method when I was raking my brain seeking for ways to charge ny Mp3 player during my Hanoi trip. It is not that I am going to bring my laptop together with me, Which is definitely not going to happen. Suddenly I realized that the Usb for my Sony MP3 able to be connected with Samsung charger. I gave it a try and it worked! Now it is fully charged!

SPORTS TOTO FITNESS CENTRE Quarterly Launch- December 2012

Seems like just yesterday only that STFC just finished their quarterly launch for Les Mills programs (Sh Bam, Bodystep, Bodycombat, Bodypump and Bodybalance). Along with Christmas month, this time the theme will be Christmas duh, of course Green, red and white. Unlike previous launches where STFC launched all programs in one day, all regulars worked super extra hard during launching. Back-to-back with no break in between unless you drop one or two classes. This time they break the programs into several days with one program one day. Thank God However, this doesn't mean the regulars will not have the chance to burn more that day. Reason, it is going to be Les Mills programs challenge! Despite 45-60 minutes class, it is going to be a 90 minutes class. Additional 30 minutes to burn extra calories. lol. I even thought of participating all the classes except Yoga Challenge and Spin Challenge. Unfortunately, I am going for my company trip in Hanoi (going to miss my bodycom...

STFC New Bodystep instructor - Anita

STFC just included a new instructor for Bodystep on Sunday class. She is not new but consider new in our club. I first saw her in STFC new release launch for bodystep in September 2012. She always does bodystep launch with Bryan but I never join their launching as bodycombat and bodystep launch always come back to back. Whoa! I really have to pick one of them. Anyhow, her voice during the lauching caught my attention. She really got the voice for an instructor, especially for bodystep. You know that kind of strong voice to motivate and lead the members in bodystep choreography. My Sunday class is consider mild compared to other days. Just Yoga, bodycombat then rapid abs class. But since she joins our club, I don't mind to shave more calories and hurting my legs on Sunday. Though I am yet to get familiar with her cues.or styles since I am used to Bryan's styles, I don't mind adapting. lol.
Annoyingly, I have the capability to lose things. I am not going to list down all the stuff that I have lost. Duh, as if I can even remember them The reason I brought up this silly habit of me is because I just lost a small filter in my newly-bought tumbler. I seriously don't know what that that thing called. It prevents water flows into your nose when you are drinking from your tumbler espcially if you drink like a water buffolo like me. Previously my green tumbler was lost mysterically. I have no idea where I had lost it, but I can't deny that It gives me the chance to depart from my old tumbler and buy a new one after half a Then, this morning I realized that the 'filter or block' was nowhere to be found. Oh...well.. whatever
Saw some of my friends sharing photos of newly-purchase books from The Big Bad Wolf book sale 2012 in Facebook. Tempted to go; But I am more tempted to read my books.

I am an ice queen

Maybe I am anti social; I just don't like to mingle with people that I am not close with; Especially those that are seeking advantages on me; Either they want to sell 'something' to me or look for me when they are so-called lonely since they have no other friends who willing to pamper with their 'stories'. Some I have known them for years, yet nothing is more important for them than asking me out and trying to sell something to me. Some I am not really close with but we know each other existence. How dare you to ask me out just to sell something to me? Honestly speaking, I was so happy that we got the chance to hangout. Thinking that, "hey, maybe we can become close friends!". Oh well, you really broke my heart when all you did is keep on reminding me to BUY YOUR PRODUCT. You even dare to contact me again just to remind me to BUY YOUR PRODUCT. Sorry peeps, even if I need it one day, I am not going to look for you. If you told me earlier that your mai...
I don't find it WEIRD if I bath before I go to gym. I don't think it is WEIRD to bath before my workout knowing that I will sweat like mad later on. Just because YOU are not doing this doesn't mean that I am the weirdo.

I am sick AGAIN!!!!

Yeap, this is the third time for this year. All started with dry throat (yet to become sorethroat), chill, noseblock and small cough. And my Hanoi trip is next Saturday. Do die I must recover within these few days. Anyhow, I am going to drag myself to gym for speedy recovery. Sweat more, excrete toxin more, infect other people just kidding p/s: PURPOSELY bought this in FOS for today cartoon theme bodypump class by Grace. I was beinv warned not to wear my usual pink color.tee Mickey Mouse. lol

SUPER Holiday Mood!

This is what I feel now: BUT this is what I HAVE TO MAKE MYSELF LOOKS LIKE: Amitabha~
I had a nightmare. I wore my retainer wrongly, ended up all my teeth became loose and disarray!!! I was struggling to meet my dentist and realized that I needed to wait for a week to get my new retainer! Thank God it was just dream......
Bryan is back with his extreme Bodystep tracks, though he is still recovering. I was out of breath and Uchop Sh Bam did increase my heart beat. Eventually I was drenched with sweats in Elvin 's bodycombat class. Somehow I got slight stomachache in the last few tracks. Thank God I didn't 'output' during the class. I got this free luggage bag from a tour agency. The one my company engaged with for our Hanoi company trip. I brought it home and the first thing my dad said was, first you bought clothes now you bought a bag. Stop wasting money. I was like, WTF! you didn't even ask where the bag came from and you already said that I Bought it!

Girls' maintenance is EXPENSIVE

*can't believe I am resort to blogging at this moment to kill the time while H&M Lot10 store. Yeap this is working hour...yes, I am indeed working now...... Thought of blogging about this in 'some other time', don't know when, when I am in the mood for blogging. Did my shopping for Hanoi trip last week and I had spend around RM300-RM400 for my clothes! Check this out! Pink sweater from Uniqlo RM 39.90 ( my first item from this brand) Purple dress from H&M RM69.90 (My favourite ♥) Yellow basic tee from H&M RM29.90 Winter jacket from H&M RM249.90 (My favourite jacket, one-for-all jacket for my tops) *similar jacket in ESPIRIT cost RM599.90!!! Blouse from Padini RM35.00 (My long-search blouse, bought it when Padini got 3 days sales) Checked tee from Padini RM35.00 ( purposely bought it to match my jean short pants, bought it during sales) Necklaces from Vincci RM25.00 for two. (bought it because I told myself I...