Fighting off sleepiness even though I am aware that I got to sleep early because I need to wake up early to pack my stuff for Hanoi trip.

I KNOW! Last minute work! So Like ME! is me...

Supposed to do it last week but...had been delaying it simply because I am too lazy. Another reason is, I 'feel' I have bought enough supplies for my Hanoi trip so...I don't feel the rush. LOL. So daring!

These few days has been really watching my calories and burn as many of them as possible because I am going to be away for 5 days without workout but only FOOD!

I can't bear the thought of seeing my thighs got bigger after the trip. It is not easy to shrink those extra flabs. Damn....

Got the slightest feeling that I am bringing not enough cash for my trip.since most of my colleagues bringing more cash than me. I keep on telling myself...relax...peer pressure only... lol.

All the expenses are bared by company and the cash that I am bringing are solely for additional snacks and souveniers only. RM200 for souveniers are more than enough. Lol. It is not that I am buying a lot though I had accidentally telling my gym mate that I am flying tomorrow. Can't buy for so many of them, only those that are really close to me will get one. SORRY~ Commission isn't out yet for last month... ..can't simply spend my money. Lol.


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