Giant Feet @_@
i will never realize that i have a BIG GIANT FEET if i didn't start to buy new shoes. NO..NO..NO.. i mean sandals (ladylike). there was once in a couple of years back, my mom brought me to shop for new shoes (for chinese new year). i have tried so many pairs of shoes and all of them just missed by a little. my feet could have been fit into those shoes if my toes are not extravagantly blocking the "entrance" (lol). urgh..i was so sad that time and not to mention a huge disappointment swept over me.

to make matter worse my cousin (seemed to prefer number "8" so much followed me that day) said "your feet cannot fit inla..there is still a few inches of your feet protruding out" (lol) seriously, i was about to cry already. ever since that day i'm just so afraid to buy new shoes except sport shoes or school shoes. why? seems like i can just buy mens'cutting if i just can't get one. (sigh)

i did complain about my giant feet to my high school friend (shek wei). Her answer make me feel proud of my own giant feet (hahaha)yet, i feel sad at the same time. she said that " the size of your feet tally with your height. so, tall people tend to have big feet"

okay, i admit sometimes being tall is just so much fun. whenever during photography, the tall one for sure will be placed in the center. well, i have been in that position ever since kindergarten until my high school end. (hahaha). besides that, normally the tall people are the first person who can see what ahead of them. At least they manage to take the appropriate action when they see something that they don't like (hahahaha)
other than that, some of the tall people who almost have the same height will come to you to compare and measure their height, but in the end just went off frustrating because you are just taller than them. furthermore, if they are taller than you just by a mere centimetre, they will be extremely happy by that.
when there is good, comes the bad; when there is white, the black will follow just like brothers (lol). you see, feet size = height, which means the taller you are the bigger your feet!

thus, i can do nothing to make my feet smaller!!!! this is the worse part,man. for my whole life!!! . seriously, i don't mind having a giant feet as long as there are size that are available for me in the market. this kind of thing make me feel really "different" from the others. just like yesterday, i wanted to buy one more pair of shoes because the old one was torn. my friend (cheese) accompany me to buy a new shoes. we have been searching for numerous shops and just couldn't make up our mind because those design are too simple compared to their price. finally, i make a move to try a shoes. guess what, again, missed by a bit! i try and try other shoes and the result is the same! i give up. this time i will try the shoes that doesn't look really good and much simpler but seems to be able to fut my feet. my friend told me, "don't take this shoes, the design is not nice" i have turned a bit moody that time after failing for several attempts to try those shoes, and i told her "i'm not you okay, my case is different. i have very limited choices to buy shoes because of my giant feet" and she replied "you know what, your size is considered normal in western". i was a bit mad at that time. "you thing i'm going to immigrate to western country? or you want me to purposely import my shoes from those countries?" and she said " don't worryla..when you start to work your boss will have a good impression on you and will send you overseas to work". i was like "what!!!" sorry to did sound "bulls@it" to me,okay.
she told me she is envy of my height and wish to be as tall as me. well, i told her being tall is nice but it turns bad when it makes you to look different from the others. tall people also tend to attract a lot of people's attraction and sometimes it is misleading in terms of the person ability. for example, whenever i'm walking, for sure there will a bunch of people looking at me. surprise? amazed? i don't know. but what i know is all these weird staring from them give me an uncomfortable feeling and i feel like fleeing from the place ASAP! (as soon as possible). sorryla..i'm not an attention seeker okay, please stop staring me like that.

what do i mean by tall peoples' ability is misleading. the "normal" (lol) people will always think that if you are tall, means you have capability to do lots of things. (as if....... *_*)they just tend to put too much hope on tall people but end up in disappointment. so, i need to try my best to prove to them that my ability is equal to my height. yea, seems like a good thing for me, right because i'm trying to improve myself all the times (lol) BUT it does GIVE ME A LOT OF PRESSURE.
to conclude, "being tall is no fun at all and do not overestimate tall people (lol)"

to make matter worse my cousin (seemed to prefer number "8" so much followed me that day) said "your feet cannot fit inla..there is still a few inches of your feet protruding out" (lol) seriously, i was about to cry already. ever since that day i'm just so afraid to buy new shoes except sport shoes or school shoes. why? seems like i can just buy mens'cutting if i just can't get one. (sigh)

i did complain about my giant feet to my high school friend (shek wei). Her answer make me feel proud of my own giant feet (hahaha)yet, i feel sad at the same time. she said that " the size of your feet tally with your height. so, tall people tend to have big feet"

okay, i admit sometimes being tall is just so much fun. whenever during photography, the tall one for sure will be placed in the center. well, i have been in that position ever since kindergarten until my high school end. (hahaha). besides that, normally the tall people are the first person who can see what ahead of them. At least they manage to take the appropriate action when they see something that they don't like (hahahaha)
other than that, some of the tall people who almost have the same height will come to you to compare and measure their height, but in the end just went off frustrating because you are just taller than them
when there is good, comes the bad; when there is white, the black will follow just like brothers (lol). you see, feet size = height, which means the taller you are the bigger your feet!

thus, i can do nothing to make my feet smaller!!!! this is the worse part,man. for my whole life!!! . seriously, i don't mind having a giant feet as long as there are size that are available for me in the market. this kind of thing make me feel really "different" from the others. just like yesterday, i wanted to buy one more pair of shoes because the old one was torn. my friend (cheese) accompany me to buy a new shoes. we have been searching for numerous shops and just couldn't make up our mind because those design are too simple compared to their price. finally, i make a move to try a shoes. guess what, again, missed by a bit! i try and try other shoes and the result is the same! i give up. this time i will try the shoes that doesn't look really good and much simpler but seems to be able to fut my feet. my friend told me, "don't take this shoes, the design is not nice" i have turned a bit moody that time after failing for several attempts to try those shoes, and i told her "i'm not you okay, my case is different. i have very limited choices to buy shoes because of my giant feet" and she replied "you know what, your size is considered normal in western". i was a bit mad at that time. "you thing i'm going to immigrate to western country? or you want me to purposely import my shoes from those countries?" and she said " don't worryla..when you start to work your boss will have a good impression on you and will send you overseas to work". i was like "what!!!" sorry to did sound "bulls@it" to me,okay.
she told me she is envy of my height and wish to be as tall as me. well, i told her being tall is nice but it turns bad when it makes you to look different from the others. tall people also tend to attract a lot of people's attraction and sometimes it is misleading in terms of the person ability. for example, whenever i'm walking, for sure there will a bunch of people looking at me. surprise? amazed? i don't know. but what i know is all these weird staring from them give me an uncomfortable feeling and i feel like fleeing from the place ASAP! (as soon as possible). sorryla..i'm not an attention seeker okay, please stop staring me like that.

what do i mean by tall peoples' ability is misleading. the "normal" (lol) people will always think that if you are tall, means you have capability to do lots of things. (as if....... *_*)they just tend to put too much hope on tall people but end up in disappointment. so, i need to try my best to prove to them that my ability is equal to my height. yea, seems like a good thing for me, right because i'm trying to improve myself all the times (lol) BUT it does GIVE ME A LOT OF PRESSURE.
to conclude, "being tall is no fun at all and do not overestimate tall people (lol)"

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