TESSO & Spend money

I don't really understand why i always spend a lot of money when going to TESCO to buy groceries. i didn't spend a lot for unnecessary things. most of them are FOOD. HAHAHA. everytime i went there, my expenses is definitely around RM50-70. somewhere around there la. i'm going to TESCO at least once a week lol. dahsyat betul i feel kind of "phaiseh" when paying money with my friend. there is a vast difference of amount that we pay. i guess because, i eat a lot of fruits, oats and crackers and milo. well, these are the typical stuff that i will buy when i go to TESCO. i really buy a lot of fruits. well i want to make sure i got output everyday. hahaha. good what, get rid of all those stocks, you will feel comfy and your face look cleaner too. (well, compared to last time la). hahaha

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