congratulations!!! you are successfully accepted by University of cambridge

i still remembered the day she phoned to me. it was the very next day after STPM results' releases. she told me she was anxious and afraid that she won't be able to obtain good results to enter University of Cambridge. you see, A-level is really hard and she told me she didn't manage to score high marks for all her previous exams. we have chatted for nearly one hour (lol). this is a new record,okay. we seldom talk so long over the phone as both of us reluctant to spend so much money on prepaid.wahahaha. both of us prefer to talk face to face. hahaha.
both of us shared our study experiences. mind you, all of them are BAD experiences. they consist mostly of tortures and extreme sufferings. we complained to each other and even laughed at our own stupidy. hahaha. she even told me that she has regretted to take A-level, which has wasted her almost 2 years YOUTH. hahaha (joking) IF she does not succeed to enter University of Cambridge. however, now everything has started to change lol. she can pursue her dream to become a veterinarian! so, i must GAMBATEH to get a good result in final as well. HWAITING!!!!

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