Grand Kampar Hotel. "Really that Grand meh?"
Today, i just need to attend one and a half hour class (Anatomy and Physiology Practical). YES!! i have been planning to cycle to pui mun's housing area and "ta pau". lol..why should i be so excited about it? well, there is not much food stalls currently open in my housing area (near Tesco). every time yen ee and me have to eat the same food from the same food stalls over and over again. it's getting really sick and horrible actually. some people might think that i'm xiao ar, purposely go "ta pau" at such a far place. yea, i agree. pui mun is staying nearby the westlake, while i'm saying at eastlake. it's sort of east and west matter. totally opposite. hahaha. well, i don't mind actually. i treat it as one of the way for me to release my tension and EXERCISE LOR. i love cycling a lot. sometimes i just wish that i will have a longer time to cycle to UTAR. lol o_O!
My practical ended at 10.30 am, BUT i haven't finished all the exercises in the lab manual. actually, almost everyone didn't manage to finish it ;). our practical lecturer told us that if we want to continue, we can do so by using other computer labs, since Group 2 is going to start their practical soon. it turned out that, only left Pui Mun and me who were going to finish our exercises. *trying to become a hardworking student lol* No lar..the reason's only left a few more exercises and we ARE DONE!
Yen ee didn't join us, so she went home by herself lor..but i promised to "ta pau" for her. i just felt a bit guilty for not going home with her o_O!
Once i have "ta pau" for her, i met ah mun at her house. she told me not to bring backpack as we should dress more "high class a bit." you know, going to hotel and eat wor. don't play-play wei. little did we know that how wrong we are. she even getting a headache on how are we going to enter there. lol hahaha. jokingly, i told her "okay, let's enter from the backdoor" wahahahaha...
once, we enter the hotel, we were utterly SHOCKED! we were expecting something more classic or and of course high class (cheh wah..) well, this is what a hotel should be,right. the place was noisy and blarred with loud chinese karaoke songs as if we were at kopitiam instead of a hotel. fine! we "tutup sebelah mata" the most important was, we want to try the food. hahaha. we got our menu and found out a lot of nice-to-hear names for those foods. we even faced a problem for choosing which food that we want to try. finally, both of us made up our mind and chose dishes ended with "golden butter ...." mine, was "fillet with golden butter chicken" while ah mun has chose "fillet with golden butter prawn". okay, i admit that i was attracted to the "golden butter". i'm curious how the taste would be. cooked with butter, wor.
However, disappointed. i couldn't taste any butter.
i can guarantee you all that, all the economic rice are even better.
My practical ended at 10.30 am, BUT i haven't finished all the exercises in the lab manual. actually, almost everyone didn't manage to finish it ;). our practical lecturer told us that if we want to continue, we can do so by using other computer labs, since Group 2 is going to start their practical soon. it turned out that, only left Pui Mun and me who were going to finish our exercises. *trying to become a hardworking student lol* No lar..the reason's only left a few more exercises and we ARE DONE!
Yen ee didn't join us, so she went home by herself lor..but i promised to "ta pau" for her. i just felt a bit guilty for not going home with her o_O!
Once i have "ta pau" for her, i met ah mun at her house. she told me not to bring backpack as we should dress more "high class a bit." you know, going to hotel and eat wor. don't play-play wei. little did we know that how wrong we are. she even getting a headache on how are we going to enter there. lol hahaha. jokingly, i told her "okay, let's enter from the backdoor" wahahahaha...
once, we enter the hotel, we were utterly SHOCKED! we were expecting something more classic or and of course high class (cheh wah..) well, this is what a hotel should be,right. the place was noisy and blarred with loud chinese karaoke songs as if we were at kopitiam instead of a hotel. fine! we "tutup sebelah mata" the most important was, we want to try the food. hahaha. we got our menu and found out a lot of nice-to-hear names for those foods. we even faced a problem for choosing which food that we want to try. finally, both of us made up our mind and chose dishes ended with "golden butter ...." mine, was "fillet with golden butter chicken" while ah mun has chose "fillet with golden butter prawn". okay, i admit that i was attracted to the "golden butter". i'm curious how the taste would be. cooked with butter, wor.
However, disappointed. i couldn't taste any butter.

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