Eversince I had started my night diet plan together with a slight change of my workout plan, I can see some toning effect on my thighs. You see, I am a pear shape. In short, smaller upper body compared to my lower body. After putting tremendous efforts on researching about getting smaller and leaner thighs, I start to be realistic and accepted the fact that MY THIGHS CAN NEVER BE AS LEAN AS THOSE SKINNY PEOPLE. At most, I can only transform from a big pear into smaller pear shape. Okay, reality accepted. Ever since I have started to workout, I have lost tons of weight and my thighs definitely got smaller. This is a good news. After reaching this level, I got the urge to go further. It is time to TONE UP those flabby skin under my thigh. Honestly, I just left this only and soon I will be reaching the moon for toner thighs. I am not greedy, I just want those flabs to tone up then off I go. Very simple, in order to tone up the thighs, you need to first remove the fats wrapping up...