New Hair Dryer

Bought a new one though my existing one still in a good condition except the missing nozzle.
WHY? Naw...too much angpau after Chinese New Year. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Just kidding.
Never underestimate the power of a hair dryer. It will help you to style your hair if you have a good one. No I am not kidding. Don't you ever wonder why your hair looks so much nicer and less dry if you got it blows from a salon. Duh, there is some techniques involved.
Of course you will not achieve the 'look' even if you have a salon hair dryer. The thing is, it will sufficiently help you to make your hair looks so much nicer and tidy if you got one.
You see, I have a square shape face. Straightening my hair is definitely not an option for me. My face still can tolerate natural straight hair, if you know what I mean.
However, the typical home-use hair dryer with 1200w will dry out my hair extensively no matter how much hair serum I applied after I have dried my hair. My hair looks super dry, brittles and super messy.
Thanks to one of the barber in Kim Marrie ( I used to visit the salon to get my hair done), he asked me to switch to salon hair dyer so that my hairs would not look 'dried up'.
I didn't believe it at first but untill recently that my colleagues had been commenting how dry my hair is and how my hair looks so good after my hair was blown from a salon.
I started to observe and compare how my hair looks when I blow it using my home hair dryer and the big hair dryer at gym's ladies room. Seriously, the difference is really big. My hair looks so much manageable and tidy when I use the big hair dryer compared to my house hair dryer.
My hypothesis would be, salon hair dryer has more power and produce stronger windforce to dry my hair before the heat totally dries up the moistures from my hair. So that's the difference.
You can just ignore this post if you have a naturally good hair, you won't have any issue drying your hair.
p/s: I lost my water bottle. DAMN!!!!!
posted from Bloggeroid
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