Willy --- the dog ^@^
Recently, there are a lot of dogs in my neighborhood. there are stray dogs which always poke their noses and sniff around to look for food (so..cham..) and of course there are dogs reared by someone. all these dogs really cause nuisances especially at night. i'm not sure why they prefer to bark at night. (??) hahaha. however, in the evening most of the owners will bring their dogs together to walk. it seems like a routine already. i wonder if they all have planned beforehand to meet at the same time. hahaha. sometimes i watch them train or most of the time play with their dogs. OMG..those dogs are CUTE!!! normally i just watch from far, however, recently (again) there is one dog who stays nearby my house entered my house. More precisely, it lingers the house compound sniffing around with its tails wriggling left and right (hahaha) searching for food. SO CUTE!!!. i can't help myself and went to my room to get some biscuits to feed the dog.. wow..he likes it! and managed to finish them all!!!. GOOD BOY =). there was once he nearly entered our house but we managed to close the door. hahaha. i played with the dog for a while and too bad it had started to rain (ish..kecoh betul...). guess what i watched the dog trotting back to his owner house..wow!! CLEVER!! aw...i also want a dog.....

p/s: haiz..i just managed to snap all these pics. very hard la. the dog wouldn't stay still and focus on the camera. (lol). okay the name i pandai-pandai put only. hahaha
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