The world is SMALL & ROUND not Sphere...:D

yup, i can prove the world that we are living in, The Earth is small and round. A few days ago, my friend suddenly asked, "do you know who is Erica?" i said "i have no idea" (blur) for my whole life, seriously, i seldom call my friend using their english name. so, i i really don't know who is this girl (hahaha). however, my friend looked so determined as if expecting me to say "YES!" i saw her struggling for a while trying to recall something, and FINALLY, she asked me, "Do you know who is Ng Joe Yin?". She seemed not to used to it, using the word "Ng Joe Yin" (hahahaha)

Once she mentioned those name, i straightly know who is the girl as if "kene" shock by thunder. (BROOM!)

You see, i was surprised that she knows this girl.The World is Small and Round. Looks like i need to ask Galilieo to come out and "yamcha" to discuss about his "Earth's theory" (hahaha)

look, she WAS not my typical friend,okay. not someone who just can be called "friend only" and someone who just say "hi" and "bye" to you. she WAS my former Best friend. (cheh wah...)(though only from standard 5-6 only). we started to exchange mail together through post, wei especially during school holidays (well, that was my first time to use past service and of course stamp)

knowing my friend that she also get to know her(erica) really surprised me a lot, you know. maybe you guys think i'm a bit "lebih-lebih" BUT, i never thought of hearing any new about her ever since high school. Especially i didn't really pay attention to the birthday girl's pic" that was posted in my friend's blog. she WAS indeed my "long-time-didn't-contact-best-friend". i'm wondering if she still remember who am i. (hahaha)
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