
Why on earth i keep on getting the feeling that all the people around me are getting further and further away? in other words, "they are leaving me,lol" first, i felt extremely sad and sorrow but pretend to be supportive when my best friends in UTAR were planning to change courses. however, they didn't manage to change them. of course, i felt so...happy,man. serious. fine, we had studied together for the same course for half year. But, NOW, i mean, today, i received an e-mail from my best friend. she told me that she already changed course. "BAMM!!!" *FIRST EXPLOSION!!*

Worse of all, she told me she already CHANGED CAMPUS as well. which mean, she is going to study her new course in new campus (UCSI).."BAMM!!! BAMM!!" *SECOND EXPLOSION*

now, all i can feel is EMPTINESS. seems like someone has taken something from me. all these are so sudden..inexplicable..unexpected..unbelievable... imagine that i'm looking forward to see her when the second semester is going to start soon. i'm eager to tell and share a lot of things with her. i can't wait...really can't wait..BUT NOW...all gone..shattered..fallen into pieces.....

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