I was already in a holiday mood early in the morning, even before the clock struck 9 am. Anyhow, I managed not to slack all the way till 5.30 pm. self-discipline lol . It is okay to slack once in a while but your working life will be really meaningless if you just go to work doing nothing from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. Gladys finally back to STFC today for Sh'Bam class. She did some of the new releases, which I was very happy. The class was kinda fun today especially when watching Jason (one of my gym mate) danced. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Grace did some old tracks during bodypump. Those were really OLD TRACKS! Slow and torturing! My biceps gone together with my legs, as usual. Reminded me of Klevin's legs killer tracks on Tuesday. There were not many members in Amutha's bodystep class. I was the only regular. Lol. Felt pressured at first but got overcame when I was watching myself doint the moves. ~So professional! Supposed to stream at least one movie before I went to sleep. Li...
Showing posts from October, 2012
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Tuesday Watched one of my favorite childhood movies. okay, it is not really during childhood, I was a big fan of the movie since half a decade ago . Mr Vampire by Lam Ching Ying. Thus, no entry for last Tuesday. I brought 2 of my colleagues to STFC mainly to join Kevin's bodycombat class. <evil laugh>. Well, Kevin class is more fun. Lol especially for first timers. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Not bad, I think they really enjoyed it and it was kinda fun watching them doing funny moves OPPS!No hard feeling ya~ I was like that too when I first joined They left after bodycombat while me stayed for bodypump class by Klevin. OMG! He killed our legs that day, which he already warned us before the class got started. OMG!!! My legs turned jelly in the squat track then 'burned to ashes' in the lunges track. The burning feeling was really there!!! Wednesday Bryan included Drummer Boy song in of the bodystep tracks. Well, I didn't really pay much attention to the song previous...
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OMG! Freaking hungry now. Waiting for my dad curry chicken to be readied at...11PM what?? Curry chicken at this hour????A big NO! for workoutholic No bodycombat for today and being replaced by Uchop Sh'bam class. I didn't sweat much unlike bodystep, bodycombat or bodyattack. Sh'bam is a fun dance class, especially when you caught some funny facial expression from your acquintances while doing sexy moves. Very hilarious! Bryan bodystep not as extreme as per last week, Thank God! And Nagesh latin dance was kinda fun today because the boys are here. Lol posted from Bloggeroid
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Thank God Praveen was not present in yoga class, so everyone was doing mild poses. phew . Learnt a new move today, which was very useful for ladies. A move that will help to tighten the females reproductive organs especially after childbirth. It is very useful to strengthen the core muscle as well. I had enjoyed my sauna today because there was no one in the room except me. I conquered the whole place by myself. Lied own, closed my eyes and enjoyes the heat as if I was in my private mini sauna room. Syes bodycombat class was a little bit extreme compared to the usual one. I was exhausted by the end of the class. well, of course Kevin bodycombat class is the most extreme among STFC bodycombat instructors Bryan really killed us in his rapid abs class. There was some new moves and I dunno was it just me that I was really tired in the abs class. I guess I am really tired recently. Estrogen spikes up I guess. Hope it will be better a few more days later. posted from Bloggeroid
Reading mode is ON!
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My reading mode is ON again after a couple of months of reading manga and watching online movies. lol Thanks to Detective Conan that I got the sudden urge to read some mystery novels. I bought this book together with the rest of Agatha Christies' collection (not a complete one though). I readied with my smartphone as a dictionary purpose. yea, another sudden urge to look up on dictionary to improve my vocabulary. They are slowly degrading in my brain cells together with my expressive ability on my writing . I thought of downloading a dictionary app from android store. After scrolling the site, the good ones require money. Duh I did plan to download the free version but come to think of it, the free one sure missing some words in their vocabulary banks. End up, I need to look for the words in Google.....YES!!! GOOGLE! Who needs a dictionary when you have GOOGLE! posted from Bloggeroid
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Kevin lost his voice again. So he was not using any mic and we all relied on his gestures and clapping sounds ONLY!!!!! SHYATT!!! I did a lot of mistake in the first few tracks because i was unfamiliar with the moves and also the songs. I was praying really hard that he won't notice it. or maybe he did but just ignore. Phew~ Thank God my senior, Michelle messed up with him so I was off from his hook. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyhow, I was freaking exhausted after bodycombat class. Panting like mad after the second last track. Body was trembling, craving for energy! In bodypump class, I was hanging dearly on my leftover energy to finish the class. Tell you what, it was not easy!!!! This was the first time I was energy-deprived in such a way. Is it because I didn't take enough breakfast or I was overly tired these few days. I slept again after my workout. posted from Bloggeroid
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Body balance class cancelled unexpectedly today. I should be at home now reading my Detective Conan I was rushing to gym just now. Fine, the fact was, I had been delaying and lazying to take a bath, not until 12 pm. Now, here I am. First in a steam room for 15 minutes and now in a sauna room blogging . I am too lazy to play the threadmill or the bicycle. Waiting for the next class, bodycombat! wondering whether my smartphone will explode because it is pretty heat up now after 10 minutes in a sauna room__ posted from Bloggeroid
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Internet line is so shitty today. I tried to watch a tvb drama but got fed up and turned off my tab. Reason? The video kept on bufferring and stuck for a while for every 2 seconds. Digi line is really horrible. Instead of throwing so much money for their so-called I will follow you... advertisement, can't they just improve the signal! posted from Bloggeroid
Super exhausted
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My current state..... Recently had been me and my galaxy note only. I call my candidates; my candidates call me. I message them, they message me. After everything done, some fong fei kei (no show) me. Had been moving, walking, running to and fro from my office and Novotel. I can practically close my eyes and walk there! My workout was slightly compromised. Instead of full classes, I can only manage to attend the last 2nd or 3rd classes. I didn't manage to attend ANY of them at all today. I am so...tired..... posted from Bloggeroid
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Have been really busy recently and my workout days nearly compromised. Thank God bodycombat class started at 7.20 pm. I left office at 6.15 pm, did some shopping at Cold Storage. I bought a lot of tidbits for my team, mostly eaten by me, to be honest. Hm...nothing much to be said for today bodycombat class and it was really really super duper TIRING!!!!! My sweats was dripping non-stop!!! Until my vision almost blur! Seeing these remarks mean I didn't have any penalty today. I will be totally speechless if I got any or even a little bit of it. Klevin used the same Phantom of the Opera track as per last week for chest track. So this was the first kill. I didn't even realized he called my name. Lol Second was during the lunge track! Thank God I didn't use my bar this time. Really! Otherwise I really don't know how am I going to die!!! Though it really killed my legs but I seriously can't wait for the amazing result. Toned thighs. LOL!!! P/s: hopefully I ...
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Weird but good. Recently I am craving for apples and milo+oatmeal. Of course I hope this will last long. I even bought a packet of milo and oatmeal for my breakfast on the coming days. Cole, a guy that I met in STFC join my current company for 2 weeks as a temporary staff. Feeling great, as if your coursemate is working with you in a same company. No bodycombat today because Gladys was not available and class being replaced by Uchop's Sh Bam. Unfortunately, I can't make for his class because sudden Overtime for 30 minutes today. Bryan killed my thighs today with his voodoo song track ( if i am not mistaken). My legs literary fall asleep after the track. Nagesh class had more fun today because the boys are back! posted from Bloggeroid
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Shit. I hurt my neck when I was doing baby headstand in yoga class. Not a successful one and worse of all, i was the only one who can't do the pose. I kinda enjoyed Syed bodycombat today and I love one of the move so much. I looked so cool when I did the move. Somehow, I got confused how to the crocodile pushup. Lol I was really tired and exhausted in Bryan's abs class today. I guessed it must because of my estrogen level gone up high during my period. Went for dinner with Mandy at one of the restaurant at lower ground floor. can't remember the name . The food were nice. I bought a bottle of low fat milk and a packet of M&M from 7-11. Still feeling hungry, I ate a mug-size curry chicken rice cooked by my dad. After some time, I made a hot milo and ate it with wholemeal bread. Feeling slightly hungry again at 10 PM while reading Detective Conan manga (has been abandoned for quite some time), I ate the same size portion of curry chicken rice. Afraid that I might...
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Feeling really tired today that I had fall asleep in the midst of blogging. Slept for almost 3 hours and woke up when my hands was so itchy bitten by mosquitoes. damn it . Searched some movies to watch and I came across with Madagascar 3. Downloaded it to my tab and enjoyed the show. Turned out that it was really fun. So much better compared to the previous one. Maybe because I watched them from pirated dvds. The quality was so-so. posted from Bloggeroid
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Gonna write my entries backward again because I had been very tired and lazy to do it recently. Saturday Woke up quite early today (7.00 am) because I was too thirsty. Not sure why I was so excited to check my Facebook early in the morning. Thought of finishing my favourite movie Taken before I headed to gym, but dropped the idea because I was still very sleepy and my head was spinning. I continued my sleep and woke up at 10.30 am. As usual, checked my Facebook as if it was a morning paper. Randomly dropped some posts and comments on my friends' page. just for fun . The weather slowly turned colder and dark colour clouds seemed to be hovering and floating around my housing area. heavy rain coming soon . I finished watching Taken and slacked with my smartphone until 11.50 am then only I started to take a bath and go to gym. The weather was very cold. Expected, not many members turned up for bodybalance class. Unexpectedly, bump into Ken (19 years old budak) and he...
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I just want to say there are really these kind of people who are just..I dunno, you want to call them selfish, ignorant or plain stupid. Either they are just too lazy to think about the cause and consequences, so they choose to ignore it or they really born in this way. plain Stupid.. I really hate people who just stick to their own clique. So.. racist . Certain people with this funny ancient and so-called conservative mindset are just so afraid of getting to know new friends or even make the initiative to try to be close to that person. I think I should just sum it up. These kind of people are UNFRIENDLY!!!!!! There are so many kinds of human behaviours that I yet to see eversince I have been 23 years in this world. Just so happen, this kind of pattern comes to me first. cilaka Okay, I am done with blabbering. I am fine now....... P/s: Bryan athletic Bodystep class....DUN PLAY PLAY WEI!!!!!..totally out of breath and lost focus in a few last tracks...thank God I survived~...
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Yoga class was being taught by Wai Wai again. Thank God there was no challenging pose for today even though Praveen was present. heheh . Syed Bodycombat class was not bad. I love most of the tracks and I learned new move today for the abs track. Not sure what it called. It resembles crocodiles walking and hips twisting. It was quite fun actually and before the class ended, he gave me a jump. lol the whole class roared to laughter. He was trying to scare me. lol Bryan abs class was very challenging today and I guessed there were some new moves. I was dripping with sweats!!! OMG! I thought I forgot to bring my little wallet which contains my thumbdrive and my padlock. The fact was, I missplaced it in another plastic bag. At first I went to the counter and wanted to borrow a padlock from STFC. Unfortunately, they no longer supply any padlock to the members ever since the theft case. Thank God one of the employee willing to lend me his padlock. After gym, me and my gym mates wen...
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Yoohoo!!!!! First time in my life watching movie in premier class, it costs me RM19!!!!! The environment is very comfortable, of course. Hello, RM19 leh! Don't play play!!! . After gym today, I got the sudden urge again to watch movie, ALONE. However, this time, I am going to watch 2 movies at one go! I am very excited now!!! I nearly forget to mention the title of the movie. I am going to watch Bait at 6.10pm. Feeling hungry and craving for Starbucks, I bought a tall size chocolate creme chip (without whipped cream *afraid of gaining weight ) and a packet of black pepper potato chips at Starbucks,1st floor. I sat at a table and started enjoying my food and drink while playing with my smartphone. I checked on my Facebook page and saw a news feed from Shop for Hottest (selling KPOP merchandise) saying that, those who are buying Big Bang goods especially for their upcoming Concert in Malaysia must make payment latest by 7 October 2012 in order for the goods to arrive on t...
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Early in the morning I already feel VERY MOODY! Damn it!! Just as I thought I want to solely depend on my galaxy tab to watch movies or tv series, IT FAILS ME!!! Something wrong with the apps. It stops loading for a while after I had clicked on the video link and it continued to be like that after I had tried for so many times. CILAKA! (Damn it) Then, I tried to register my maybank2u online. After going through so many painful process to anwer all those stupid security questions and keyed in so many numbers..I missed out to obtain my TAC numbers. URGH!!!! Fine! I forget about my tab and go for my lappy. As usual, super long to boot the system and super laggy when I visit any of the website and the browser never fails to 'not responding' and hang there for at least 20 secs. I clicked at the page where I usually stream my videos, guess what? It stopped loading as well!!! I tried other sites, it was the same or the video can't be found!!! DAMN IT!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!...
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Hm....today lunch was not so satisfying. I went to UDA (malay food) with my colleagues. They used to serve nice Malay foods there. Maybe I don't feel like eating rice today, I think I am longing for noodles soup. The biscuits that I had bought previously taste bland to me now. Haiz.... P/s: listening to linda chung-witness insecurity theme song...... posted from Bloggeroid
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My dad bought oranges for these few days. NO APPLES AT ALL!!!!! God, I seriously need fiber from apples to clean my intestine. I don't really fond of oranges because it is troublesome to eat them. You gotta peel off the skin and cut them into smaller pieces and during the process, the juice will flow down your hands making them dirty and sticky and the best part is, once you take a bite, it is SOUR....... posted from Bloggeroid
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Out of sudden, I feel so.... lonely today. Because I'm missing someone? I feel like going to a beach and just sit on the sand and stare blankly at the sea. Let my mind runs wild with whatever memory i have stored for all these years. Listening to the breeze and inhaling the smell of.....dunno, the ocean? Coconut tree (I doubt)? Oh...whatever, hope the feeling goes off tomorrow early in the morning... please ... Kevin is recovering from his...seasonal flu combo (fever, sorethroat, flu, and cough). Joseph joined him on the stage today for the whole class. The only different from the usual class is that, kevin stood at the left hand side of the stage while Joseph took the right side. I guessed he tried not to infect as many as people as he can. However, funny thing is, there are still members standing at the left side of the room. Tuesday class always full house So, I don't think the method worked. Unless he didn't want to infect the crowd on the right hand side. Whi...
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Recently I have grown some fondness for jersey. Plan to buy it for my workout, especially for bodycombat. Heheh. After watching the new release video, I looked like a coconut tree combaters when I wore a fit top and quarter-length pants. looked weird. Especially when I am the tallest among the crowds . Guess slightly loose outfit suit me more when doing bodycombat. LOl posted from Bloggeroid
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Thank you Gladys for mixing new and old release bodycombat together!" Thought I am not going to see them again . Syed totally dropped new release on Sunday class, Delon didn't really follow the new release, always mix them with his own choreography, I didn' attend Kevin's class on Saturday so I don't know he totally dropped the new release or mix them (most probably) and Elvin had removed 80% of the new release. Lol I really like the new release very much except track no. 6. The legs killer!!! Oh No! Oh No! I was at the front row in bodystep class!!!! Extremely stressful!!! I paid extra attention of what Bryan said and I observed his moves closely...Very CLOSELY!!!!. The thing that I fear the most happened! I did some wrong moves!!!! Shyatt!! Shyatt!!! And the whole class knew it!!! Nagesh latin class kind of boring, maybe because Vincent was not present, the mood lighter lol . posted from Bloggeroid