Gonna write my entries backward again because I had been very tired and lazy to do it recently.
Woke up quite early today (7.00 am) because I was too thirsty.
Not sure why I was so excited to check my Facebook early in the morning.
Thought of finishing my favourite movie Taken before I headed to gym, but dropped the idea because I was still very sleepy and my head was spinning.
I continued my sleep and woke up at 10.30 am. As usual, checked my Facebook as if it was a morning paper. Randomly dropped some posts and comments on my friends' page. just for fun.
The weather slowly turned colder and dark colour clouds seemed to be hovering and floating around my housing area. heavy rain coming soon.
I finished watching Taken and slacked with my smartphone until 11.50 am then only I started to take a bath and go to gym.
The weather was very cold. Expected, not many members turned up for bodybalance class. Unexpectedly, bump into Ken (19 years old budak) and he joined us in bodybalance class. Reason, don't feel like lifting weight. Guess cold and comfy weather made him SLACKED!!!!!! HAHAHAHAAHAH
Feeling nervous in Kevin's bodycombat class as usual. Wondering whether I can survive without penalty for today. OMG! Most of his tracks are so....hardcore!!! Stamina-killer!!! Thank God there wasn't any lunges today. Otherwise, I confirmed kantoi (kaput) half way. Anyway, I survived in today class. NO penalty!!!!!!
Bumped into replacement bodypump instructor, Sky. I greeted him by calling him sir instead of his name. He told me he felt old when I called him sir. lol. I said I respect him that's why I used the word.
At the end of Kevin class, I already half-dead. Little did I know that, Sky did some killer tracks as well!!! Especially during chest track. OMG!!!! I could barely lift my usual weight. Even during tricep and bicep tracks, for the first time ever, I did feel like dropping down my bar. Thank God, he motivated us with his magic words, not to give up. "we started together, we finish together". I tried so hard to repeat those words in my brain when doing bottom-half in biceps track.
I think the reason I was extremely exhausted today because it is my first day of my period cycle. Women!!!! Estrogen is spiking!!!! Feeling weak!!! I didn't even have the mood to catch a movie in cinema though I had planned to watch Looper.
I grabbed a bar of dark chocolate with almonds, low fat milk and a small can of Barbecue-flavoured potato chips at 7-11 on my way back.
When I reached home, I made myself a mug of Milo and dipped it with wholemeal bread. So clean.......
Went to Setia City Mall to headhunt sales promoters with my colleagues. Because of this trip, I explored my smartphone GPS for the very first time and OMG! The pointer is moving as well when the car is on the road!__

The mall had more crowds now compared to last time I came here. People were flowing in the mall.
We left at 4.00 pm and it started to rain when we reached KL. Thank God, we left earlier. I managed to attend the classes in STFC.
I attended Michelle bodypump class. Not many members joined in today. Then I went straight to Bodyattack class by Purdey. On the third track, I got the sudden feeling of going to toilet. I MUST POOP! I must have ate something not clean. Initially I thought of stiffled it till end of the class but I knew I can't hold much longer when I started to lose focus and imagined my poops were coming out. Once the track stopped I dashed to toilet. Let it all out and I get back to the class. A lot of new moves in bodyattack class today.
When the class ended, most of the regulars left. Except me. I went to Delon bodycombat class. He did intermediate tracks for today class. Not as funny as previously. Maybe because Mandy, the mood lifter skipped today class because of whole body pain.
I slept quite late tonite (I guess I sleep very late nowadays). Chit chatting with Ken via FB messenger. Found out from him the name of my favourite track. My favourite lunge track of all!!
Hardknox - come in hard (Don't like Rock and Roll
On the contrary, he hated that track because it kills his butt. Lol
Sh' bam regulars on Thursday seemed to get bigger compared to last time and the numbers are steady, which is a good thing. I laughed a lot today especially at Vincent because he was making all the funny expressions and the one got me laughed like hell was when his timing was totally off in one of the track, which was very rare. lol
Gladys was replacing Grace for bodypump. She did mostly old tracks, guess so. Because I was not familiar with the tracks and they sounded really outdated.

I was dragging myself to Amutha bodystep class. Sort of feeling reluctant to join her class nowadays. Anyhow, just gave face to her. Being an instructor is not easy, unless you have your own fanbase aka regulars, otherwise you are going to be in dead meat especially if you are a full time instructor. Since I have paid the fees, might as well just join in. Shaving off extra calories is a good thing too. I am so going to buy a short pants jean for the coming up Big Bang concert!!!

Bryan bodystep almost a full house. This guy really has strong fanbase. I had screwed up some moves in certain tracks and my name was being called a few times. I guessed he did mention Ken's name in one the track where we had to punch side by side. Apalagi, I punched kao kao la. lol
I did something that really made the history of Sh'bam class today. I accidentally hit my aiya-brother aka Godbrother's spectacles. I really blamed my long hands.lol It dropped on the floor with a big thud. What else? Vincent made the Tarzan sound again and the whole class followed suit lol. Before we left the class, he joked, "Brother you also dare to hit?" I was wondering whether my Godbrother dared to stand behind me after this but Thursday class showed that he wasn't afraid of my octopus hands. Lol.
Elvin did some killer tracks for his combat class. Thanks to Ken who has requested his favourite leg-killer tracks, my legs literary fall asleep after that.
I came too early to gym today despite I was going for 7.20 pm bodycombat class. Thank God, dance revolution class at 6.20 pm was cancelled that I got my gymmate, Eve to accompany me. I used to joined the class previously but I got fed up with the instructor for not really concerned the technical skill of the members. Pace matters the most and she practically dances faster than music itself. I didn't feel the fun anymore.
Later on, my another Godbrother, Cole, joined in the conversation. I told him about the temp.job in my company. Since he just resigned from his job and we need people, might as well asked him to join on board. Soon, my another Godbrother, Foong joined us and he asked me about the charges to find a contract clerk for his company. I adviced him not to outsource since his boss was tight on budget. I told him to post on free job portal instead.
Received my long-awaited megalaunch bodybalance gift from Bryan. Surprisingly, he didn't present it in front of other STFC members like what he did last time. According to him, it was supposed to be a secret???. Lol.
Kevin finally recovered from his flu as he was back on his usual screaming and messing up with people hairs again.
I received my heaviest penalty from him today after so long of staying low-profile all this while. Reason? I don't sweat enough! Wtf???? I still remember vividly. Out of sudden, he stood in front of me, showing me his palm dripping with his sweat. I was like, uh-oh. I'm doomed...I ignored him and mentally prepared for the hair-messing attack. Well, I was right for 50%. Little did I know, when I turned my back to him just to avoid him, he hooked my neck with his right hand, clasp his hand with the other one. I tried to catch my balance, I slowly knelt on the floor. He maintained with that pose for a while until I let out a little squeak that he finally let go of me. As usual, Vincent did a Tarzan sound effect when I was down on the floor. After that, I was like, what just happened?
Funny thing was, just a few seconds before the attack, I took a glance on my arms and seeing that they were glossy and shining with my sweats, I doubt he will complain about it today. Maybe because I was wearing a black colour tshirt. He didn't notice I was in fact sweating like a shaggy dog. Lol. I am going to wear bright colour shirt for his class from now on. That's how I off from his hook on most of his Saturday class.

Woke up quite early today (7.00 am) because I was too thirsty.
Not sure why I was so excited to check my Facebook early in the morning.
Thought of finishing my favourite movie Taken before I headed to gym, but dropped the idea because I was still very sleepy and my head was spinning.
I continued my sleep and woke up at 10.30 am. As usual, checked my Facebook as if it was a morning paper. Randomly dropped some posts and comments on my friends' page. just for fun.
The weather slowly turned colder and dark colour clouds seemed to be hovering and floating around my housing area. heavy rain coming soon.
I finished watching Taken and slacked with my smartphone until 11.50 am then only I started to take a bath and go to gym.
The weather was very cold. Expected, not many members turned up for bodybalance class. Unexpectedly, bump into Ken (19 years old budak) and he joined us in bodybalance class. Reason, don't feel like lifting weight. Guess cold and comfy weather made him SLACKED!!!!!! HAHAHAHAAHAH
Feeling nervous in Kevin's bodycombat class as usual. Wondering whether I can survive without penalty for today. OMG! Most of his tracks are so....hardcore!!! Stamina-killer!!! Thank God there wasn't any lunges today. Otherwise, I confirmed kantoi (kaput) half way. Anyway, I survived in today class. NO penalty!!!!!!
Bumped into replacement bodypump instructor, Sky. I greeted him by calling him sir instead of his name. He told me he felt old when I called him sir. lol. I said I respect him that's why I used the word.
At the end of Kevin class, I already half-dead. Little did I know that, Sky did some killer tracks as well!!! Especially during chest track. OMG!!!! I could barely lift my usual weight. Even during tricep and bicep tracks, for the first time ever, I did feel like dropping down my bar. Thank God, he motivated us with his magic words, not to give up. "we started together, we finish together". I tried so hard to repeat those words in my brain when doing bottom-half in biceps track.
I think the reason I was extremely exhausted today because it is my first day of my period cycle. Women!!!! Estrogen is spiking!!!! Feeling weak!!! I didn't even have the mood to catch a movie in cinema though I had planned to watch Looper.
I grabbed a bar of dark chocolate with almonds, low fat milk and a small can of Barbecue-flavoured potato chips at 7-11 on my way back.
When I reached home, I made myself a mug of Milo and dipped it with wholemeal bread. So clean.......
Went to Setia City Mall to headhunt sales promoters with my colleagues. Because of this trip, I explored my smartphone GPS for the very first time and OMG! The pointer is moving as well when the car is on the road!__

The mall had more crowds now compared to last time I came here. People were flowing in the mall.
We left at 4.00 pm and it started to rain when we reached KL. Thank God, we left earlier. I managed to attend the classes in STFC.
I attended Michelle bodypump class. Not many members joined in today. Then I went straight to Bodyattack class by Purdey. On the third track, I got the sudden feeling of going to toilet. I MUST POOP! I must have ate something not clean. Initially I thought of stiffled it till end of the class but I knew I can't hold much longer when I started to lose focus and imagined my poops were coming out. Once the track stopped I dashed to toilet. Let it all out and I get back to the class. A lot of new moves in bodyattack class today.
When the class ended, most of the regulars left. Except me. I went to Delon bodycombat class. He did intermediate tracks for today class. Not as funny as previously. Maybe because Mandy, the mood lifter skipped today class because of whole body pain.
I slept quite late tonite (I guess I sleep very late nowadays). Chit chatting with Ken via FB messenger. Found out from him the name of my favourite track. My favourite lunge track of all!!
Hardknox - come in hard (Don't like Rock and Roll
On the contrary, he hated that track because it kills his butt. Lol
Sh' bam regulars on Thursday seemed to get bigger compared to last time and the numbers are steady, which is a good thing. I laughed a lot today especially at Vincent because he was making all the funny expressions and the one got me laughed like hell was when his timing was totally off in one of the track, which was very rare. lol
Gladys was replacing Grace for bodypump. She did mostly old tracks, guess so. Because I was not familiar with the tracks and they sounded really outdated.

I was dragging myself to Amutha bodystep class. Sort of feeling reluctant to join her class nowadays. Anyhow, just gave face to her. Being an instructor is not easy, unless you have your own fanbase aka regulars, otherwise you are going to be in dead meat especially if you are a full time instructor. Since I have paid the fees, might as well just join in. Shaving off extra calories is a good thing too. I am so going to buy a short pants jean for the coming up Big Bang concert!!!

Bryan bodystep almost a full house. This guy really has strong fanbase. I had screwed up some moves in certain tracks and my name was being called a few times. I guessed he did mention Ken's name in one the track where we had to punch side by side. Apalagi, I punched kao kao la. lol
I did something that really made the history of Sh'bam class today. I accidentally hit my aiya-brother aka Godbrother's spectacles. I really blamed my long hands.lol It dropped on the floor with a big thud. What else? Vincent made the Tarzan sound again and the whole class followed suit lol. Before we left the class, he joked, "Brother you also dare to hit?" I was wondering whether my Godbrother dared to stand behind me after this but Thursday class showed that he wasn't afraid of my octopus hands. Lol.
Elvin did some killer tracks for his combat class. Thanks to Ken who has requested his favourite leg-killer tracks, my legs literary fall asleep after that.
I came too early to gym today despite I was going for 7.20 pm bodycombat class. Thank God, dance revolution class at 6.20 pm was cancelled that I got my gymmate, Eve to accompany me. I used to joined the class previously but I got fed up with the instructor for not really concerned the technical skill of the members. Pace matters the most and she practically dances faster than music itself. I didn't feel the fun anymore.
Later on, my another Godbrother, Cole, joined in the conversation. I told him about the temp.job in my company. Since he just resigned from his job and we need people, might as well asked him to join on board. Soon, my another Godbrother, Foong joined us and he asked me about the charges to find a contract clerk for his company. I adviced him not to outsource since his boss was tight on budget. I told him to post on free job portal instead.
Received my long-awaited megalaunch bodybalance gift from Bryan. Surprisingly, he didn't present it in front of other STFC members like what he did last time. According to him, it was supposed to be a secret???. Lol.
Kevin finally recovered from his flu as he was back on his usual screaming and messing up with people hairs again.
I received my heaviest penalty from him today after so long of staying low-profile all this while. Reason? I don't sweat enough! Wtf???? I still remember vividly. Out of sudden, he stood in front of me, showing me his palm dripping with his sweat. I was like, uh-oh. I'm doomed...I ignored him and mentally prepared for the hair-messing attack. Well, I was right for 50%. Little did I know, when I turned my back to him just to avoid him, he hooked my neck with his right hand, clasp his hand with the other one. I tried to catch my balance, I slowly knelt on the floor. He maintained with that pose for a while until I let out a little squeak that he finally let go of me. As usual, Vincent did a Tarzan sound effect when I was down on the floor. After that, I was like, what just happened?
Funny thing was, just a few seconds before the attack, I took a glance on my arms and seeing that they were glossy and shining with my sweats, I doubt he will complain about it today. Maybe because I was wearing a black colour tshirt. He didn't notice I was in fact sweating like a shaggy dog. Lol. I am going to wear bright colour shirt for his class from now on. That's how I off from his hook on most of his Saturday class.

posted from Bloggeroid
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