Early in the morning I already feel VERY MOODY! Damn it!!
Just as I thought I want to solely depend on my galaxy tab to watch movies or tv series, IT FAILS ME!!! Something wrong with the apps. It stops loading for a while after I had clicked on the video link and it continued to be like that after I had tried for so many times. CILAKA! (Damn it)

Then, I tried to register my maybank2u online. After going through so many painful process to anwer all those stupid security questions and keyed in so many numbers..I missed out to obtain my TAC numbers. URGH!!!!

Fine! I forget about my tab and go for my lappy. As usual, super long to boot the system and super laggy when I visit any of the website and the browser never fails to 'not responding' and hang there for at least 20 secs. I clicked at the page where I usually stream my videos, guess what? It stopped loading as well!!! I tried other sites, it was the same or the video can't be found!!! DAMN IT!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! CILAKA BETUL!!!! Means I woke up till now I didn't even watch any single video!!!!! Only struggling with my tab, my lappy and the websites!!!!!

And now it is time for me to take a bath and go to my gym....without watching any movie at all since I woke up.....

Just as I thought I want to solely depend on my galaxy tab to watch movies or tv series, IT FAILS ME!!! Something wrong with the apps. It stops loading for a while after I had clicked on the video link and it continued to be like that after I had tried for so many times. CILAKA! (Damn it)

Then, I tried to register my maybank2u online. After going through so many painful process to anwer all those stupid security questions and keyed in so many numbers..I missed out to obtain my TAC numbers. URGH!!!!

Fine! I forget about my tab and go for my lappy. As usual, super long to boot the system and super laggy when I visit any of the website and the browser never fails to 'not responding' and hang there for at least 20 secs. I clicked at the page where I usually stream my videos, guess what? It stopped loading as well!!! I tried other sites, it was the same or the video can't be found!!! DAMN IT!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! CILAKA BETUL!!!! Means I woke up till now I didn't even watch any single video!!!!! Only struggling with my tab, my lappy and the websites!!!!!

And now it is time for me to take a bath and go to my gym....without watching any movie at all since I woke up.....

posted from Bloggeroid
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