When you are not photogenic, you really NOT, no matter how hard you try and how many pictures you had taken just to choose the best one. I just cut my fringe, thought of taking a nice picture and post it somewhere, say Facebook to show off. Bad angle! Bad lightning! Bad complexion! The pictures turned out BAD, or that is how my face face looks like all this while OR I am overestimating my face. LOL. I am really envy those people who look good in pictures. Why can't the camera lenses love my face or I am the one who never love them. LOL. Since small till now, I never like to take pictures even it is a group photo. I guess it is because I don't know how to smile in front of camera. In fact, I hardly smile in most of my childhood photos. I was struggling to smile and ended up my smile = squinting my both eyes and show some teeth, and my uncle told me to keep that 'smile' for the rest of the pictures. LOL. I am NOT going to google search about looking prettier in p...
Showing posts from September, 2012
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I woke up late today. Very late. 11.17 Am!!! And I should have been streaming some movies at that time, delaying and reluctant to take a bath, not until 12 PM. lol I hastily get my towel, prepared my clothes for gym and heated the burger from My Burgerlab (my mom didn't take it, so it is mine now) for my breakfast. Somehow, I was 10 minutes earlier. Usually, I arrived 5 minutes before class started. It was Yoga Flow by wai wai for today class. I was expecting to see a male yoga teacher but turned out she is a beautiful lady. Reason, my ex-colleague nickname was wai wai and he is a male. lol I realized one thing from this teacher. She sounded like Kevin, the bodycombat instructor. The way she talks and teaches, sounded familiar. The class ended with sweats. A lot of strength training today and the bird pose!!!. Today Syed was not teaching any new release tracks. Non!!! I'm missing them already!! I guessed he mentioned something about BC43. When running on the spot, k...
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I had skipped all the classes today and I even posted it on my Facebook wall. A few minutes later, Klevin posted on my post. oii!! Lol I supposed to attend his bodybalance class at 12.30 pm. Banana and I were going to My BurgerLab today. Three hours before I met up with Banana I went to shop some new clothes. I had walked around a few shops in Times Square and even until H&M, Lot10. Seriously, H&M was crowded, the fitting room and paying queues were so long. I don't have the mood to choose and try any clothes. Eventually, I went back to Elements to buy a beige color short pants and pink color collar T-shirts Hush Puppies at Times Square. These two items cost me around RM180. Expensive, but the quality not bad. I saw a nice pants in Giordano which cost Rm98 but the quality just so-so and didn't worth the price at all. Honestly, I don't mind paying extra if the quality is up to par. Thank God I had successfully shed off some fats at my thighs, thus, I am not wo...
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Going to post my entries backward because I had lost track of time. Lol Friday Feeling slightly refreshed today because I slept earlier last night. I have been lacking of sleep recently because: 1) dragging the time to finish 2 pieces apples before I went to sleep. to make sure I have 'output' in the morning 2) stalking in FB 3) candidates called me early in the morning (6 am) for a few times. Auto alarm clock. I had bought a lot of biscuits for my department. Anyway, I am the only who will whack most if it. I got the sudden urge to skip Friday class because I want to do some shopping before meeting up with banana tomorrow. I didn't shop for a month already. LOL. Big Deal! Eventually dropped the idea because I am gonna skip tomorrow classes (bodybalance, bodycombat & bodypump). Miss my combat class. Huhuhu It has been quite some times I didn't attend Michelle bodypump class. She did some of the mega launch tracks today. I realize there was some sli...
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Friday Feeling extremely bored and freakingly sleepy and lifeless after lunch hour, I thought of listening to some musics to lift up my mood. I got the sudden urge to listen to my favourite tracks in Sh bam 9 and Body combat 53. Here they are. Sh Bam Fuego - DJ Budda Remix Cool Gangster choreography! BodyCombat Blade-Re Con Remix Awesome Muay Thai track. Saturday I accidentally stepped on my glasses when I woke up middle of the night, to pee, I guess. lol . Ended up the right side of my spec was crooked and didn't fit onto my face. Great job, fool! for simply placing it on the floor Cheese 'Whatsapp' me early in the morning. She wanted to chat with me using viber. Too bad I was not really in the mood to chat live and also because I didn't feel like letting my parents listened to our conversation. lol I had to take off my glasses on the third track of body balance class today because all the tracks were causing the gravity to pull my spec off my face...
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After 'typhoon', now is 'tornado' strike. Can't really disclose much here because it is supossed to be P&C ( i think so). All I can say is, my current job is getting more and more challenging and one thing for sure I am 'seeing' more things now. Working in staffing and recruitment line will allow us to experience more on human behavior side. Trust me, you will see, they are so many types of people in this world. Rather than listening to other people stories, we got to experience it by ourself. For sure, it is going to be a mixture of bitter and sweet experiences and the bitter one always a mental-torturing. It doesn't matter whether they are good or bad because all these going to help me to survive in my future path down the road. Sounds typical, but it is true. Sometimes I feel like running away from all the terrible stuff but you and me know it very well that, you will stuck with the same problem again and again if you never be able to solve it....
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It is almost 1 am in the morning, I need to sleep!!! So, i'm going to keep everything short and simple. As I had mentioned previously, second 'typhoon' struck my division yesterday. Today, most of the time, either our team was on the phones or pumping our handphones with numbers and lotsa words. I can't imagine how my next month telephone bill is going to be like . Thank God, we managed to hit the KPI for today and I got the feeling we can make the fulfillment by Thursday. yay!! No OT!!! I also got another feeling that, I will be busy receiving phone calls and messages on Friday onwards. sigh..again..whatever..I will only worry about this on that day itself. DON'T CARE!! Today kinda 'peaceful' in Kevin's class. Reason, he can't wear his contact lens. So, he can't really pay too much attention on each and everyone of us. Which means,I'M SAFE FOR TODAY!!!! He also conducted a replacement class for bodypump as well since Klevin can...
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Friday I was in the midst of going for holiday mood when suddenly an enormous typhoon struck my division. ARGH!!! We need to find additional 5 candidates for LOT10 and Shah Alam each for TOMORROW and Sunday!!. You are kidding me,right? Tell me about last minute work. Thank God it was settled at the LAST MINUTE. otherwise OT! I hate OT . STFC organized Food Fiesta at night for Merdeka day, Hari Raya and 1Malaysia day celebration. apalagi? Tapaula...lol Speaking about word, something wrong with my English lately. I got confused with the word "exclusive" and "excluding". When I looked at the poster, I was like, "why are they telling us about the Food Fiesta when we are not invited?" lol . I thought exclusive and excluding are the same meaning, means not included lol. These were the food that I had grabbed, the original portion was bigger because I almost whacked all of them when I realized that I had forgotten to take a picture. lol . T...
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Monday Shoulders pain after mega launch. Maybe because bodycombat focussing more on upper body track for this quarter and of course bodypump is no kidding either. Tuesday YAY!! I received a confirmation letter and salary increment from my manager. Opps...means new challenge from on... In bodycombat class, I had received some gifts from STFC because I have attended 4 classes during mega launch. An umbrella, a shoes bag, and also a buy 1 free 1 Starbuck voucher (my fav among all lol ). Never thought they will present the gift it in front of other members. lol * embarrassed Nothing much happened in bodycombat class except my hair was messed up by the instructor for the 2nd time, with a sprinkle of sweats because I missed out one kick in one of the track. With a tired body, i dragged myself to bodypump class. By then, I was just trying my best to survive in the class. Wednesday Got a H & M goddie bag with one magazine during lunch hour. Funny thing was, we ...
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I went to STFC to attend Sunday yoga class. Thought of stretching my muscles after yesterday launch. Thank God, Adidas run was held in the morning, thus, strong yoga regulars were not present today. Otherwise, we had no choice but to do the advanced version. my nightmare . Guess what, if I didn't attend yoga class today, I didn't even realize my shoulder was in pain. yesterday bodypump really killed me. Also because of the run, afternoon classss were cancelled today. Thank God, guess everyone needs a rest after the mega launch and also the Adidas run. After yoga, I went to steam room and met another yoga regular and we chatted for a while. slightly more than a while I guessed I over-steamed a bit for today because I thought I was going to faint soon. I felt the sudden urge to watch a movie ALONE. I bought a movie ticket and guess what, it was a horror movie, Sadoka 3D . Body itchy to watch horror movie alone. Lol Fortunately, the movie began at 2.40pm. Meaning t...
Sports Toto Fitness Center Mega Launch, 8 Sept 2012
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* All the STFC pictures I took without permission from my instructor FB page. : Yesterday was STFC Mega Launch Day. New move! New Songs! Though I recognize some of the songs in new tracks lol Woke up early after so many months, met up with my gym mate Janet to have breakfast near our residential area before headed to our first program, Body Balance. Funny thing is, we went there way too early. We wandered to the ground floor, sneak a peak on the launching venue. Saw our bodystep instructor cum STFC manager busying with the set up. A lot of people, mostly gym regulars from STFC or other gyms gathered around the entrance. Mostly can't wait to enter the floor. everyone was pretty much excited about the launch as if we were doing some very huge public performance. Heheh . As usual, I took the front row, not sure why I was so daring yesterday. new moves, new music, one step wrong, big slap on my face. Lol . Anyway, I did miss a step. While everyone was exten...