Going to post my entries backward because I had lost track of time. Lol
Feeling slightly refreshed today because I slept earlier last night. I have been lacking of sleep recently because:
1) dragging the time to finish 2 pieces apples before I went to sleep. to make sure I have 'output' in the morning
2) stalking in FB
3) candidates called me early in the morning (6 am) for a few times. Auto alarm clock.
I had bought a lot of biscuits for my department. Anyway, I am the only who will whack most if it.

I got the sudden urge to skip Friday class because I want to do some shopping before meeting up with banana tomorrow. I didn't shop for a month already. LOL. Big Deal!
Eventually dropped the idea because I am gonna skip tomorrow classes (bodybalance, bodycombat & bodypump). Miss my combat class. Huhuhu
It has been quite some times I didn't attend Michelle bodypump class. She did some of the mega launch tracks today. I realize there was some slight difference for squats tracks. There was no break during bottom half. my back!!!! I had increased my weight for my biceps today. Ouch! My arms were so stiff after the track. Again, during the last track, we were told to remain the same weight for chest. ALAMAK!!
Thank God there was no lunges + jumps combo for today bodyattack class. We learned some new moves and I messed up some of it. normal, it was a new move, right. Edmund, the instructor looked nice with his new haircut, he looked like Ah Wong with his previous hairstyle. Yet, he still looks handsome. Heheh
Delon body combat class was boring today. The tempo was so slow compared to new release. Anyhow, everyone had a great laugh during his class.
We did new release tracks for Sh Bam class. my favourite!!!! Sorry to say, Uchop did a better class for Sh Bam. He basically can control the whole stage even the whole class
Grace mixed old and new tracks together for today. Too bad, the squats track was also an endurance-killer, droplets of sweat flowing down my torso.
She told us to wear running jersey for next saturday class because she would do a team bodypump class. maybe just take pictures at the end.
There was only 4 partipants for Amutha bodystep class. I had forgotten to raise up the board. Thank God the tracks were easy. Just take it as a break. Feeling my left knee slightly painful.
I nearly tripped in BodyStep class. lol. Hopefully no one noticed my flailing arms__
Today Uchop didn't do many new release tracks for Sh Bam, only ONE track and it was at the end of the class, cooling down.

Elvin also started to mix some old tracks with new release and sadly to say, I was only interested with the Muay Thai track in new release. Lol. Compared to last week, today he only had 15 members in his class. He was worried especially when Bryan passed by. The scene was an epic lol
Kevin's neck was injured and he told us he won't be moving around much. Unfortunately, it seemed to be the other way round. He still moved around screaming. Lol. However, Thank God I didn't receive any penalty today.

In bodypump class, Klevin did new release tracks. OMG! The killing squats and lunges tracks!
Feeling excited for Gladys' s bodycombat class. Though she still stuck with new release tracks, I still love it! During the last track, not sure what it called, a workout that supposed to train our obligue. Gladys suddenly came to me and hold onto my hips. She told me not to move my hips during the workouts. Gosh, I had been doing the wrong technique all this while.
In bodystep class, Bryan already started to mix some old tracks and I 'kena sound' today. lol Don't have the chance to 'steal chicken'(sneak away) .
Surprisingly, Latin class also had new release. Nothing much special except keep on shaking your hips. There were more members joining today class and we laughed a lot during the dance session. Everyone was laughing, maybe because seeing yourselves at the mirror trying so hard to shake your hips with tired face was hilarious. Lol. This was what happened to me
That's all about it.
P/s: I realize I talked more about my workout days more than anything else. Lol. Can't recall much during working hour. Everything was in a routine.
Feeling slightly refreshed today because I slept earlier last night. I have been lacking of sleep recently because:
1) dragging the time to finish 2 pieces apples before I went to sleep. to make sure I have 'output' in the morning
2) stalking in FB
3) candidates called me early in the morning (6 am) for a few times. Auto alarm clock.
I had bought a lot of biscuits for my department. Anyway, I am the only who will whack most if it.

I got the sudden urge to skip Friday class because I want to do some shopping before meeting up with banana tomorrow. I didn't shop for a month already. LOL. Big Deal!
Eventually dropped the idea because I am gonna skip tomorrow classes (bodybalance, bodycombat & bodypump). Miss my combat class. Huhuhu
It has been quite some times I didn't attend Michelle bodypump class. She did some of the mega launch tracks today. I realize there was some slight difference for squats tracks. There was no break during bottom half. my back!!!! I had increased my weight for my biceps today. Ouch! My arms were so stiff after the track. Again, during the last track, we were told to remain the same weight for chest. ALAMAK!!
Thank God there was no lunges + jumps combo for today bodyattack class. We learned some new moves and I messed up some of it. normal, it was a new move, right. Edmund, the instructor looked nice with his new haircut, he looked like Ah Wong with his previous hairstyle. Yet, he still looks handsome. Heheh
Delon body combat class was boring today. The tempo was so slow compared to new release. Anyhow, everyone had a great laugh during his class.
We did new release tracks for Sh Bam class. my favourite!!!! Sorry to say, Uchop did a better class for Sh Bam. He basically can control the whole stage even the whole class
Grace mixed old and new tracks together for today. Too bad, the squats track was also an endurance-killer, droplets of sweat flowing down my torso.
She told us to wear running jersey for next saturday class because she would do a team bodypump class. maybe just take pictures at the end.
There was only 4 partipants for Amutha bodystep class. I had forgotten to raise up the board. Thank God the tracks were easy. Just take it as a break. Feeling my left knee slightly painful.
I nearly tripped in BodyStep class. lol. Hopefully no one noticed my flailing arms__
Today Uchop didn't do many new release tracks for Sh Bam, only ONE track and it was at the end of the class, cooling down.

Elvin also started to mix some old tracks with new release and sadly to say, I was only interested with the Muay Thai track in new release. Lol. Compared to last week, today he only had 15 members in his class. He was worried especially when Bryan passed by. The scene was an epic lol
Kevin's neck was injured and he told us he won't be moving around much. Unfortunately, it seemed to be the other way round. He still moved around screaming. Lol. However, Thank God I didn't receive any penalty today.

In bodypump class, Klevin did new release tracks. OMG! The killing squats and lunges tracks!
Feeling excited for Gladys' s bodycombat class. Though she still stuck with new release tracks, I still love it! During the last track, not sure what it called, a workout that supposed to train our obligue. Gladys suddenly came to me and hold onto my hips. She told me not to move my hips during the workouts. Gosh, I had been doing the wrong technique all this while.
In bodystep class, Bryan already started to mix some old tracks and I 'kena sound' today. lol Don't have the chance to 'steal chicken'(sneak away) .
Surprisingly, Latin class also had new release. Nothing much special except keep on shaking your hips. There were more members joining today class and we laughed a lot during the dance session. Everyone was laughing, maybe because seeing yourselves at the mirror trying so hard to shake your hips with tired face was hilarious. Lol. This was what happened to me
That's all about it.
P/s: I realize I talked more about my workout days more than anything else. Lol. Can't recall much during working hour. Everything was in a routine.
posted from Bloggeroid
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