I was in the midst of going for holiday mood when suddenly an enormous typhoon struck my division. ARGH!!! We need to find additional 5 candidates for LOT10 and Shah Alam each for TOMORROW and Sunday!!. You are kidding me,right? Tell me about last minute work.

Thank God it was settled at the LAST MINUTE. otherwise OT! I hate OT.
STFC organized Food Fiesta at night for Merdeka day, Hari Raya and 1Malaysia day celebration. apalagi?

Speaking about word, something wrong with my English lately. I got confused with the word "exclusive" and "excluding". When I looked at the poster, I was like, "why are they telling us about the Food Fiesta when we are not invited?" lol. I thought exclusive and excluding are the same meaning, means not included lol.

These were the food that I had grabbed, the original portion was bigger because I almost whacked all of them when I realized that I had forgotten to take a picture. lol.
Thank God, it was a bodycombat challenge day. Meaning that, there was two bodycombat classes on Friday. So, I could whack those food.
As I mentioned earlier, Elvin 's bodycombat class is no kidding. I was half-dead at the end of the class. Followed up next was Edmund's body attack class. It was a new class and it is getting harder and harder. First time ever lunges + jump come in as a combo and I sweat to the maximum when doing push up. I could basically tasted my own sweats. it was salty. Eaww..
After bodyattack class, I went to the lobby to check on the food. Ahah! Food still available. Feeling tempted to taste them, I ate some of it. HAHAHA. Yeap, I 'take away + dine here' lol. My favourite was corn flavor cake. fantastic baby.
Last class was Delon's bodycombat class. Honestly speaking, I was afraid that I might get myself an appendix if I continue with bodycombat class after I had eaten.
Anyhow, I still joined the class. committed lol. Fortunately, he didn't really follow all the new release tracks. So, the class ain't that extreme except for the abs track. I could practically feel that my intestines were tangled at the end of the track.
Nothing much to say except not many STFC members present today because there was a launching at other fitness center. Well, i'm not that fanatic yet to attend more than one launchings. fine, I'm just lazy. I heard from one of STFC member said that, Jon Kin was present for the new release. Seriously, I have never heard of this guy before. Turn out that, he was first Malaysia representative to learn bodycombat from LesMills and passed on to all the instructors. What surprised me the most was, this guy only 25 years old. OMG! Only 2 years older than me. What he did during his teenage years? Lol. Now I hope he can be one of our bodycombat instructors. I really want to see how good he is.
Since Kevin was not here today, bodycombat class replaced by Syed. It was a ' discounted' bodycombat class because Syed was not as extreme as Kevin. Yet, I still sweat because, I'm not giving myself any discount. lol.
I had decided to 'load up' in bodypump class. Only in the squats and chest tracks. I still feel shaky in other tracks. lol. It was a good time to give it a try since my energy was not totally drained out in bodycombat class.

Shit, my right ear is blocked. At first, I thought it was going to be a few second ear block. Turn out that, it is going to last a few days at least, after several attempts of blowing air out of my ears.

I got slightly agitated and I even thought that I was going to be deaf soon. I did some readings through internet. duh..where else?
Seemed like it is very common to have ear block after flu and no treatment is necessary. phew.

Things were getting on my way recently and I didn't manage to watch tvb series for 5 days. (King Maker). Thus, the very first thing I did after I was done with my gym was...'movie chasing and movie boiling' for several hours.

In yoga class, few regulars present and meaning that we had to do hard option today. Garuda stand, I supposed. For your info, any stand stand thingy in yoga class is my NIGHTMARE!!!. maybe except shoulder stand, lol. Anyhow, I tried to fight my fear to do the stand and after some hardwork, first time in my life I managed to lift up my legs, with some help of the yoga instructor. I really don't want to just sit down and watch other people doing it. NO FUN!!!!. I already have what I needed. Arms strength and core muscle (thanks to Bryan 's abs class). I just need to know how to use and control it and of course what I don't need is FEAR.

After gym, I went to watch movie again. Guess it had officially become my new hobby already. It is kinda fun watching movie alone. You gotta choose any movie you feel like watching and the best part is, you don't know whether it is nice or not. lol.
Resident Evil: Retribution is a current hit. So, I watched it. I really like the main character here. So cool, hot and sexy. Milla Jovovich. She left a deep impression on me when I watched Three Musketeers. wish I could be like her. Lol. We got almost the same hairstyle. Heheh. After watching this movie, bodycombat sounds even cooler to me.

Yay!! It is public holiday and also the end of holiday.
Few hours before I went to gym. I received a call from my manager. Second typhoon strike!!. Argh..30-40 headcounts by end of this week. SYATT!!!!. Anyway, i will do it tomorrow..Still holiday mood.
I attended 4 classes today. Started with bodypump. Something special happened, Jian, the lengcai new bodypump instructor was teaching today, only 2 tracks though. Why I said special, reason is I get to hear his voice for the first time. lol

All this while, we just smile and wave each other. Now I only realized I have never heard his voice before. You see, it is kinda weird for never hear the voice of a familiar face. Anyway, his voice was a little bit soft when he was teaching and of course, shy. HAHAHAH. Come.on, give him a break, he is still new. We gave him a big round applause after he was done.
Next, was Delon bodycombat. He taught using his own version of choreograhy, with some modification of here and there. Anyway, he did something surprising today. He killed our stamina in the warm up track! A little bit too warm. Good thing is, I sweat more in his class today.
In bodyattack today, I was exhausted. Lunges + jump killed my legs and the so-called cooling down push ups and bicep push ups killed my upperbody.
I felt reluctant to join bodybalance class because I was so tired. However, to prevent any muscle pain tomorrow, I need to do some stretching.
After class ended, I went to buy Auntie Anne and Baskin Robbin!! Marvelous!!!

I was in the midst of going for holiday mood when suddenly an enormous typhoon struck my division. ARGH!!! We need to find additional 5 candidates for LOT10 and Shah Alam each for TOMORROW and Sunday!!. You are kidding me,right? Tell me about last minute work.

Thank God it was settled at the LAST MINUTE. otherwise OT! I hate OT.
STFC organized Food Fiesta at night for Merdeka day, Hari Raya and 1Malaysia day celebration. apalagi?

Speaking about word, something wrong with my English lately. I got confused with the word "exclusive" and "excluding". When I looked at the poster, I was like, "why are they telling us about the Food Fiesta when we are not invited?" lol. I thought exclusive and excluding are the same meaning, means not included lol.

These were the food that I had grabbed, the original portion was bigger because I almost whacked all of them when I realized that I had forgotten to take a picture. lol.
Thank God, it was a bodycombat challenge day. Meaning that, there was two bodycombat classes on Friday. So, I could whack those food.
As I mentioned earlier, Elvin 's bodycombat class is no kidding. I was half-dead at the end of the class. Followed up next was Edmund's body attack class. It was a new class and it is getting harder and harder. First time ever lunges + jump come in as a combo and I sweat to the maximum when doing push up. I could basically tasted my own sweats. it was salty. Eaww..
After bodyattack class, I went to the lobby to check on the food. Ahah! Food still available. Feeling tempted to taste them, I ate some of it. HAHAHA. Yeap, I 'take away + dine here' lol. My favourite was corn flavor cake. fantastic baby.
Last class was Delon's bodycombat class. Honestly speaking, I was afraid that I might get myself an appendix if I continue with bodycombat class after I had eaten.
Anyhow, I still joined the class. committed lol. Fortunately, he didn't really follow all the new release tracks. So, the class ain't that extreme except for the abs track. I could practically feel that my intestines were tangled at the end of the track.
Nothing much to say except not many STFC members present today because there was a launching at other fitness center. Well, i'm not that fanatic yet to attend more than one launchings. fine, I'm just lazy. I heard from one of STFC member said that, Jon Kin was present for the new release. Seriously, I have never heard of this guy before. Turn out that, he was first Malaysia representative to learn bodycombat from LesMills and passed on to all the instructors. What surprised me the most was, this guy only 25 years old. OMG! Only 2 years older than me. What he did during his teenage years? Lol. Now I hope he can be one of our bodycombat instructors. I really want to see how good he is.
Since Kevin was not here today, bodycombat class replaced by Syed. It was a ' discounted' bodycombat class because Syed was not as extreme as Kevin. Yet, I still sweat because, I'm not giving myself any discount. lol.
I had decided to 'load up' in bodypump class. Only in the squats and chest tracks. I still feel shaky in other tracks. lol. It was a good time to give it a try since my energy was not totally drained out in bodycombat class.

Shit, my right ear is blocked. At first, I thought it was going to be a few second ear block. Turn out that, it is going to last a few days at least, after several attempts of blowing air out of my ears.

I got slightly agitated and I even thought that I was going to be deaf soon. I did some readings through internet. duh..where else?
Seemed like it is very common to have ear block after flu and no treatment is necessary. phew.

Things were getting on my way recently and I didn't manage to watch tvb series for 5 days. (King Maker). Thus, the very first thing I did after I was done with my gym was...'movie chasing and movie boiling' for several hours.

In yoga class, few regulars present and meaning that we had to do hard option today. Garuda stand, I supposed. For your info, any stand stand thingy in yoga class is my NIGHTMARE!!!. maybe except shoulder stand, lol. Anyhow, I tried to fight my fear to do the stand and after some hardwork, first time in my life I managed to lift up my legs, with some help of the yoga instructor. I really don't want to just sit down and watch other people doing it. NO FUN!!!!. I already have what I needed. Arms strength and core muscle (thanks to Bryan 's abs class). I just need to know how to use and control it and of course what I don't need is FEAR.

After gym, I went to watch movie again. Guess it had officially become my new hobby already. It is kinda fun watching movie alone. You gotta choose any movie you feel like watching and the best part is, you don't know whether it is nice or not. lol.
Resident Evil: Retribution is a current hit. So, I watched it. I really like the main character here. So cool, hot and sexy. Milla Jovovich. She left a deep impression on me when I watched Three Musketeers. wish I could be like her. Lol. We got almost the same hairstyle. Heheh. After watching this movie, bodycombat sounds even cooler to me.

Yay!! It is public holiday and also the end of holiday.
Few hours before I went to gym. I received a call from my manager. Second typhoon strike!!. Argh..30-40 headcounts by end of this week. SYATT!!!!. Anyway, i will do it tomorrow..Still holiday mood.
I attended 4 classes today. Started with bodypump. Something special happened, Jian, the lengcai new bodypump instructor was teaching today, only 2 tracks though. Why I said special, reason is I get to hear his voice for the first time. lol

All this while, we just smile and wave each other. Now I only realized I have never heard his voice before. You see, it is kinda weird for never hear the voice of a familiar face. Anyway, his voice was a little bit soft when he was teaching and of course, shy. HAHAHAH. Come.on, give him a break, he is still new. We gave him a big round applause after he was done.
Next, was Delon bodycombat. He taught using his own version of choreograhy, with some modification of here and there. Anyway, he did something surprising today. He killed our stamina in the warm up track! A little bit too warm. Good thing is, I sweat more in his class today.
In bodyattack today, I was exhausted. Lunges + jump killed my legs and the so-called cooling down push ups and bicep push ups killed my upperbody.
I felt reluctant to join bodybalance class because I was so tired. However, to prevent any muscle pain tomorrow, I need to do some stretching.
After class ended, I went to buy Auntie Anne and Baskin Robbin!! Marvelous!!!

posted from Bloggeroid
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