Hear some noises, hope it is just the wind.
Showing posts from 2010
“Stealing bone”
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Despite having thousands of words awaiting for me to be keyed in into my MS Word, here am I, spending my precious time customizing and updating my blog. The desire just came so sudden. Spending hours looking for the theme and template that I prefer. I even thought of designing my own theme. LOL. I didn’t carry out my plan eventually, knowing that it is so troublesome to do so.Yea, this theme looks childish despite my age. Too bad, my current taste has temporarily switch to this one. XD
Saw 7
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Finally it comes to an end. Right after I have finished downloaded the movie, readied with my pillows and dinner (lol), I hit the “play” button on my laptop. I’m not going to talk much about the plot, I will share my review instead. The budget for this movie has increased, which you can see from the setting at the very beginning of this movie. They have included more supporting casts just to film that particular scene. I don’t know if I’m the only one who feel that the intensity for traps and scary parts in this movie somehow got lessened, if you compared with previous series. Anyway, they still manage to scare you off! Somehow, I’m sort of satisfied with this movie. Maybe because knowing this will be their final chapter thrilled me a lot. *I was shocked when I saw an article from wikipedia that they previously planned to do another sequence for it. Luckily, they drop the idea in the end because the reception for previous series are low. THANK GOD! Seriously, I’m tired of waiti...
Do it At the right time
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During this whole FYP period , I have learned lots of things. Though the main purpose is to be trained in conducting experiments, handling tools and apparatus that you may have only seen it before and of course – READ THE JOURNALS, I think I have learned how to become “Human” or to survive in human population as well. Once you have started your FYP, it means getting new friends, getting closer to friends that you previously hardly have more than 5 words to converse ,meeting all types of people and discovering the “true colors” of human being. All these have broaden my views and perceptions and taught me how to survive in human vast population. 1. Different personalities between boys and girls. Most of the time, girls are the expressive-type. Whether they feel sad or happy, words and expressions coming out from them blatantly, regardless whatever they are about to do will so-called ruin their good-girl images. Therefore girls are considered noisy and emotional creatures. Howeve...
to survive - I DUN BELIEVE IT!
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When cells are stressed by environment, They will change to adapt the new surrounding, otherwise they die. They do it by increasing the number of themselves or even change into another type of cells. No matter what they do, they have only one motive. That is to SURVIVe in their new surrouding. Bear in mind, those cells are FORCED to change from their usual or typical characteristic. It's not something they volunteered to do so. Remember, they are being forced! I think it goes to human being as well. Just like what we normally heard. "Human grown up by experience" We learned from mistake, so that in the future we won't repeat the same thing. We are learning from the present, so that in the future we know what to do. We even do "something" that is "extraordinary" in order to achieve something. No matter what reasons they are, we, as human beings are being "forced" to do so. if you want to survive, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE. The D-day finally comes...
crappy internet
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This is the third day i have loss connectivity to internet. Starting from the 1st day, i have been checking out my wireless status bar. Hoping to see the "numbers" are back to normal, Showing me that i am able to access to internet. It has been an unteempth time that i have been troubleshooting my wireless adapter, though i know whatever i have been doing so far is pointless. it's not working at all. It seems foolish to keep on troubleshooting as you know where the problem lies. However, other than that, i don't know what can i do. Hoping for miracle, i guess. Hoping that my laptop is able to fix it, remotely. Yeah, right As much as i'm hoping, disappointment just creeps over me I know that the main problem is not my wireless adapter, it is the wireless access point. It just got so sensitive with the weather that i can't connect to internet in rainy days. On the first and second day, the "numbers" or packets that i have received are only half that ar...
Take it or Leave it
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Lots of things happened recently and most of them are of awful occurrences. The feelings are non other than being stabbed painfully again and again, adding salt to a wound or adding oil to the fire. Unfortunately recovery times need at least 2 days in order to ensure all the negative feelings subsided. Within 2 days after the incident, the feeling was extremely overwhelming. My heart was as if on fire, burning wildly. All those words and memories were lingering inside my brain, flashing back repeatedly without failing and i was so eager to scream my lung off. All of them were started from small misunderstandings, but the impact was great enough to shatter you into pieces. How much i hope i can do some explanation, so that everyone gets a good picture of what is really happening. Too bad, when the times come as it always be, i felt so tired to do that. Beats me, why i felt in that way, as if i didn't care anymore of what they might think. Yet, i'm still feel miserable. Honestl...
The feeling is so different XD
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Phew! The spirit of cleaning my entire room has came out of sudden. This is not a typical room-cleaning that you do it daily; ie sweep the floor or making sure your stuffs are in proper order. It was as if turning your room upside down and sweeping and throwing away all the junks Honestly, i have been wanting to do it quite some time ago. However, i have been postponing it till today. Reason is, i was too lazy. The thought of taking out everything, wiping and sweeping the dust especially all those Grey fluffy one medium size big chunk of dust that totally turn you off and not to mention, recently i have been lying flat down on the floor watching drama series for almost one whole day. You really don't feel like moving at all . what about room-cleaning? Fortunately, dirty stains finally get on my nerve TODAY. Braced myself, getting a broomstick from downstairs ready and a dirty cloth standby. i officially started to clean my room. The process was of course tedious and hectic. Seeing ...
High School Gathering
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Just came back from High School gathering with my friends at Restaurant Kam Ling in Old Town; It is specially organized for two of my friends who are going to graduate from Utar. Very Soon! At first i was doubt whether i should attend the gathering since i'm not really close with them. I was just too afraid my mouth will lock throughout the whole period. However, I was wrong! Argh!!!..i'm just worry too much. No doubt the atmosphere was a bit awkward at the beginning since i don't hang out much often with them and especially since i'm the only Science student . LOL. However, everybody seemed to adapt to the situation very well after a while. We mostly talked about our high-school teachers, the day when we were prefects, our high-school seniors and also who have gained or losed weight and how they do it. Erhem... XD Though we were not as close as compared to our friendship with our best friend, we do share a very special bonding. We are from SMKPP! We knew each other. T...
I'm proud of you XD
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Have been growing up together since we were small; Staying next to each other from the day we opened our eyes; Sharing sweet and sour memories that we embraced forever; Any places you go, i come along together with you; On Chinese New Year , we both got the same new year clothes; Spending every festive season with both our parents just like a big happy family. I try to fill in for you wherever you lack; When there is a need, you lend me your hand; Though we are not blood-related; It doesn't stop both of us to call each other sister . Dear sis, You used to have poor performance in your academic but the hard work of yours that you let me see today just make me so proud of you. XD
I wonder this can last for how long
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FINALLY! After days (almost one week) of being unable to connect to internet, surprisingly i can do it by today afternoon. LOL This is the first time i hate rain so much. Reason is, for sure i will be disconnected in rainy days and the funny thing is, seems like my house is the only one which is affected in Kampar Perdana. Feeling extremely embarrassed and forced to become thick-skinned for pestering my housemate to restart the modem for me for almost everyday. Yet, i was still disconnected. i wonder i can stay connected for how long.
Exhausted ~o~
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Here pain; There pain; My whole body ache; After long hour of waiting, standing and worrying; lol First time ever since FYP period got started that i went home at 6.30 pm. Feeling grateful that tomorrow is a public holiday. Haji day. XD All of the students who passed by UTAR gate were being spot check by the security guards. Checking out bag packs and questioning those students who own a laptop. Wondering is it UTAR laptop was stolen? lol Thought of cooking myself a bowl of Bihun soup but ended up eating 6 slices of wholemeal bread + 1 glass of soya bean (forget to put into fridge after breakfast =.=) + 1 sweet potato. Just morphed into one lazy worm. =.=
Movie Review
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Just finished all the "Living Dead" movies that I have mentioned earlier. Don't ask me how long I took to finish them all. Trust me, you don't want to know it. XD Now, I'm going to share my review for each movie. Let's get started with: Night of the Living Dead (1990) - Story got started when a brother and sister went to visit their dead mother cemetery. - Reason for the outbreak of "Living Dead" is unknown. -The costumes and styles are no doubt giving you the feeling of 90's century; -The "Living Dead" make ups and props look synthetic but still enough to scare you off; -"They" move by staggering to the victims (food source), which means you can outrun them easily. -They are highly persistent to their prey and once they have their eyes on you, they will follow you FOREVER. - Despite their slow and weakling movements, they seem strong enough to break open windows and doors. - Once the victims get bitten, they will transform ...
Saw - The Sequels
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Phew! It has been a year ago since i have watched "Saw 1-5" one shot in Penang during my industrial training. Great persistence, huh? The only reason that kept me watching the sequels were because i'm curious on how they might end the film. obviously, lol. I thought they might have stopped the movie in Saw 4 where, Jigsaw was (master of traps or whatsoever you want to call him) finally dead. i was flabbergasted when i got to know there will be a sequel for it and once i have finished the fifth movie, another sequel follows. I was like "Gosh! when are they going to end it" Fine, i'm looking forward to the sixth movie and hopefully they will end it once and for all. Again! when i google the sixth film i came across with "Saw 7", but thank god they seem to end it in the seventh film. They should have, lol I read an article about Saw. One of the Saw creators said that the movie should have ended in the third film. I'm so agree with him. Reason is...
The Living Dead
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Zombie, Vampire and Dracula; Similarity? Non-human blood-thirsty creatures. Differences? Zombie --> soulless flesh-eater, related to Voodoo Vampire --> reanimated only blood-thirsty corpse from the grave Dracula --> name of a Vampire--Count Dracula (from what i know) lol I grow up watching Chinese vampire movies and Mr. Vampire is my favorite. You might have heard of it. Mainly starred by Lam Ching Ying as the exorcist. My current favorite is walking zombie. As i have mentioned before, i read about it once from a manga, then i watched it from Hong Kong film and recently United States has came out with a television series about walking zombies entitled " The walking Dead " The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse ; it follows a small group of survivors traveling across the desolate United States in search of a new home away from the shuffling hordes of the undead. The group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a King County, Georgia ...
Always Be Prepared!
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Internet connection has gone haywire recently; Feeling down when there is no connection every time i turn on my laptop; only msn..ceh... Thwarted off my brilliant plan of movie downloads; Resulting in a few episodes behind of highly anticipated Tvb Series (a highly offensive crime! )--> No regrets Leaving Gmail inbox untouched for several days with a high risk of mail overflow. lol Totally outdated of Facebook news. The nightmare isn't end here... ALWAYS BE PREPARED to suffer loss connection anytime. Amitabha..........
out of the law =.=
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Have been watching TVB series and reading manga non-stop recently; IF.... The clock never strikes midnight; The sky never turns inky black; My eyelids never feel droopy and heavy; I will never turn off my laptop; This reminds me of the "me" in Kuala Lumpur during semester break; Eyes never stray away from laptop; Unless........... When i'm hungry; When i feel drowsy after long hour of staring the laptop; When it's time to SLEEP. Darn it! Have been ages never touch my journals; Have been updating my log book reluctantly, knowing the consequences if i didn't do it; GUILTY!
10 Minutes Peanut Bars
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Found a delicious and easy-to -make recipe XD Enjoy!!! Ingredients: 1 cup raw or roasted peanuts 1 TBS minced fresh ginger 2 TBS sesame seeds 1 cup raisins 2 TBS honey Directions: Grind all ingredients, except for the honey, in a food processor until fairly fine but still having some texture (you don't want it to have the consistency of peanut butter). Add honey and process just long enough for it to blend in. Press into a square about 3/4-inch thick on a plate or square pan and refrigerate for about an hour or more. Cut into 2-inch squares. Makes 12 bars Source: http://whfoods.org/genpage.php?tname=recipe&dbid=231&utm_source=daily_click&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily_email
Sherlock Holmes
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Being acknowledged about him through my crazy obsession on Detective Conan. A well-known fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As i have run out of ideas on what movies that I'm going to watch lol . Sherlock Holmes (2009 film) has became my choice. I was expecting the movie will be something serious and sorry to say boring *okay, i have read the novel before and it sorts of giving me the feeling of solemn and complicated plot. perhaps, it was the author's style. It was a classic novel by the way. That should be the reason. HAHAHAHA. HOWEVER! I was wrong! it turned out the other way round. Totally unexpected!!! Sherlock Holmes in this film captures his audience with his sense of humor together with Dr. Watson. However, don't get confused with The Pink Panther as the latter is a genuine comedy film. Before this, he was giving me the impression that he is a serious-looking detective who wears frock coats and smoking with pipe most of the time. Little did i...
The Note
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When i opened the card; I thought it was just another festive card that you give me every year without a miss; As i flipped the cover, i was shocked and couldn't utter a word; Never in my life that i thought you will hand me "the note"; This reminds me of an incident in Form 3 that you slipped "the note" in between my English-Malay Oxford Dictionary; Last time was red and this time is purple. kamsahamnida.........
Wheel of life
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When your days are awful; You couldn't just fathom why on earth there are so many terrible things happening around you to increase your predicament; to increase your burden; to increase your load; to increase your problem; As if what is happening is not sufficient to make you feel miserable; to make you suffer; to torment you; All you can feel is PRESSURE! PAIN! AGONY! You feel like running away from here; to live in a place where you feel contented, safe, calm and secure; Sometimes you just feel so heavenly with your place that you feel reality is nasty; All this while, you think you can cope with it; you think you can live with it as if they have became part of you. Then again, you are actually running away from it.
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Feeling moody recently, especially today; I wonder why? The feeling just come on and off; Am i thinking too much? Suddenly feel that i'm alone in this mess; Feel like screaming and crying till my lung off; Feel like running away from here; I'm scared... Dragging so many people into my world; Feeling guilty and terribly sorry to them;
Polar and Non-Polar
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We continue our plant extraction for today. Since everybody knew what they were doing and, which methods suit their plant the best, tasks have became easier and quicker. Around 1 pm, all the plants materials are successfully blended and ground and are prepared for soaking with solvents (hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol) Initially, we planned to soak all our plant materials then only we will go for lunch. However, things always never go as smooth as we have planned. First, we tried with Ethyl Acetate. Once the solvent are poured, we need to stir the content to make sure they are well-mixed. The stirring seemed hard. For mine, almost h alf of the plant material completely dissolved in the solvent and you can observe 2 layers. Second, we continued with Hexane. For my plant, it does not dissolve in Hexane at all no matter how hard i stirred it. A very obvious 2 layers of solution s can be seen. You can imagine mixing some plasticine with water in a conical flask. This is how my plant looks l...
Wash, Dry, Cut, Grind~Totally Exhausted
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I can say that today is our official day of doing FYP as previously, we were just, washing, cleaning, autoclaving our tools and apparatus and as well as plant investigating. lol The task seems easy, but it is not as simple as it sounds. Honestly, it fully depends on the type of plant that you are using. For instance, my cactus seems the easiest to be processed as it already contains some liquid extract of its own and the cutting part is not hard either. At first, i doubt it because cutting cactus seems tough for me. However, again, as the saying goes, do not judge a book by its cover. lol. The same goes for blending process. A few times of blending already enough to liquefy it. As for Jason's ginger. A little more works have to be done in order to turn it into pulps, such as , cutting it into the smallest pieces as you can, blend it with blender and finally crush it with mortar and pestle. This little guy didn't even go for lunch.lol As for Yan's Neem leaves, the dryin...
One day trip to IPOH ~My FYP Plant ~ Cactus
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PHEW!!! After days of plant selection i finally confirmed and bought my plant for FYP. Let me introduce... . Nopalea cochenillifera . (If i'm not mistaken; need to be verified for confirmation XD) Interesting, huh? Let me tell you, the adventure of searching for this plant is tough. The Plant Investigators are facing a real challenge here. Why? we even went far until Ipoh nursery to search for it. We don't even loose the chance of scanning the plant along the high way, hopefully to find it somewhere around there. YES! We did found it in one or two housing area. However, that will only be my last resort if i can't find it in Ipoh nursery or by worse Cameron Highlands. After having our lunch in one of the food stall, we officially started our plant investigation. First, we stopped by at one of the nursery in Ipoh. urgh...too bad i can't recall the name. The boss told us that, he doesn't sell any cactus. Before we left his nursery, we asked him is there any place ...
Biscuits will be perfect at this moment
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Feeling a speck of hunger while reading journals and browsing the internet. I miss my crunchy coconut biscuits which i have finished it in 3 days. urgh.... There is no way i can hang in front of my laptop after 11 pm with growling stomach . Precisely stop at 10.30 pm. Lots of food flashing sub-consciously one by one in my mind right now. most probably already planning for breakfast. =.= Fried hams/hot dogs/ scramble eggs Peanut butter spread Hot chocolate drink
Chicken out =.=
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Read carefully, it's definitely not Wang Lee Hom's Chinked- out album. lol I have downloaded two new horror movies (they are old movies actually). again i was about to watch the first part but hesitated because i'm home alone today. It is a bad idea to freak out ALONE after watching a horror movie. My wild imagination can bring me as far as i want. lol. If i did, i don't know how am i going to sleep tonight without having nightmare. i seldom have nightmare normally. So, i have decided to wait till one of my housemate to come back from hometown then only i will watch it. yeah~ viable organism. I need some life form to tell me that i'm in a reality and not in my horror fantasy world. call me scaredy cat if you want. I admit to it. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Oreo drinks ~ so-so
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A few days ago, the Plant Investigators lol went to Tesco to enjoy High-Tea . Yan and Ben bought Oreo drinks and wafers each, Jason got himself a chicken rice and as for me Peanut and Chocolate flavored wafers. The Oreo drink was really tempting lol. I was about to buy it as well but drop the idea finally because i already spent Rm2.50 for my wafers. Not until yesterday, out of sudden, i was thinking about the Oreo drinks. Pathetic lol. So, i plan to have it by tomorrow. The feeling got intensified after my lunch. Terrific =.= . I told myself to buy it after i have taken a nap around 2.15 pm. So, here i am. Cycle to Tesco just for a drink. It was hot and sunny, mind you.Perhaps it was the hot weather that reminds me of Oreo drink. Ok, now blaming the weather. After i went home, i washed my hands and the straw and quickly took a sip. Guess what? It's not what i have expected. It is almost tasteless. i can hardly taste the Oreos. The only thing i can taste is Oreo + Teh Tarik = sli...
A cool Website
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I was trying to download some korean songs from my usual source: Jenpoo.com. Too bad this website has shut down. Fortunately i have found a cool website browser , where it will list out all the websites that are related to each other. For example, if you key in youtube web address, it will shows other websites that are similar to youtube, which provide flash video broadcast, such as Metacafe, Tudou, Youku and many more!!!! Thanks to it, i managed to find my alternative source for Korean songs. XDXD here is the link: SimilarSiteSearch.com - The Best Place To Find Similar Websites
The Untold Story
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Seems like my current obsession is mystery or thriller movie lol. Here are two Hong Kong movies that i have just watched. Both are mystery, definitely not horror movies but they are amazing as always. Hong Kong 90's movies rock!!! The Untold Story ~ Sudden Vanish Plo t: The story focuses on a pair of Hong Kong police officers named Sam and Judy (Lai and Yuan) who throw in the towel and resign from the force so that they can go off and start their own private detective agency. Why would they want to branch out on their own? So that they can focus in on the one area where they excel that the normal police force won't go – the paranormal. Sam's wanted to start looking into the weird and mysterious world and his superiors have always reeled him back in when he's tried to travel down that mystical path. While it might sound difficult to get a business like this up and running, thankfully they have a mysterious and very wealthy benefactor (Tao) who stands in the ...
Bio Zombie
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i have decided to reward myself by watching a chinese movie after a few days of Plant Investigation . lol. The reason i chose this movie was because Wayne Lai was one of the casts in this movie though he was not the main lead. the other reason is, previously i have watched too many comedies and crime investigation movies and series. Therefore, now i'm trying to "gain" new feeling. lol. Besides, the review was appealing too . to me la. XD Plot: This movie takes place in a mall where two young men and other people work. They don't seem to get along very well due to a lack of customers. One night the two young men give an apparently dying businessman a soft drink, which is in actuality an experimental Iraqi biological weapon that turns him into a flesh-eating zombie. Returning to the mall, the man escapes and begins infecting the population, forcing a small group of misfits to band together in order to survive. My feedback: This movie is not bad though there are a...
Totally heartbroken T_T
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During the FYP discussion, i was dumbfounded when i was told to change my plant. OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After so many hectic days of doing research for my specific plant; After so many hours and days i have spent to understand those research papers; After so many hours and days i have spent to compare those research papers; After i have handed-in my proposal a few weeks earlier; After i have a VERY CLEAR idea of my plant extraction; i was told to change my plant type because it's common. lol, i think it would be nice if i was being informed earlier. Definitely not until everything is done. Why don't i defend my plant since so much efforts and nourishment ( though haven't bought ) have been poured? well, part of me agreed that, no point doing the same thing since most people have done it before. Amitabha.......
FYP briefing ~ creeps me out
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My coursemates and I have attended a FYP briefing which lasted for 2 hours (2-4pm) in DDK1. Though throughout the period, the lab officers were only talking about rules and regulations in the lab, it scares the jeepers out of me. I don't know, perhaps the main reason was some of my friends already got started with their project. i know, they are just washing the apparatus or having lab tour. They doing something at least. As for me, urgh.. i have no clue what should i do (a few minutes before entered Ms Teo room). Once, the briefing ended, Ms Teo requested us to meet her in her room. Whoa.. now the "real meeting" finally got started. From my observation, she is kind of ambitious. lol Judging her externally, you might doubt my statement. Again, do not judge a book by its cover. Luckily, she is kind of lenient too. She told us that once we are ready and when the final exam mood totally gone off (mine disappear long time ago, i think XD), then we can start our project. ...
My Current Idol- Nichkhun
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TADAA!!!! This is my CURRENT idol type --> Nichkhun Horvejkul from 2pm signed under JYP Entertainment. He is a chinese-Thai with a very fair skin for an asian. XDXD I need to use the word "Current" since my idol type always changes from time to time. lol. However, i can guarantee that only ONE at a time. XDXD Hm..why i'm so crazy about him. lol. Initially, he was just a pretty boy image to me. Nothing special about him. He does not have that impressive and powerful dancing skills like Uknow Yunho (DBSK). He doesn't have a strong and beautiful vocal like Khuhyun (Super Junior). Seriously, i was not attracted to him AT ALL initially. I even make myself tried to like this boy by looking at his pictures frequently from internet. Trying so hard to find what so special about him. Still, the feeling was not there yet. You see, i don't simply like an idol just because of their pretty face. LOL. Not long after that, my impression for him totally changed 180 degree...