Challenges! Seriously, how much we know? How much we can feel from it? When we were writing essay or  answering examination questions we never forget to mention the word, challenges. Why? The word seems so grand and powerful enough to include into your sentence and make the whole thing looks so....'cool'?   Honestly speaking, when thought about c-h-a-l-le-n-g-e-s, I shivered, I feel fear, it's really horrible and yes, it changes you. You know, the feeling is really unbearable and makes you feel miserable. To survive, you change yourselves, you adapt to the environment. Yes, it is the survival of the fittest.   Tell you what, eversince I have started to work till now, I still have this kiddy mindset. I still 'think' that i'm young and let the adults do all the work for me. I'm totally carefree.   Eversince I have started my new program, my mental did change a bit. I started to really understand what is the meaning of failure. I finally know how it feels like when everyone succeed and you are the only one lacking behind. I know how it feels like when you are being left out. I know how it feels like when you are desperately in need for support and encouragement. I know how it feels like when you really thought about quitting. I know how it feels like when you want to isolate yourselves. I know how it feels like when the mind-torturing force accumulating and boiling in your body but you can't let it out. You are yourself timing bomb. I know how it feels like when self-help books started to replace your comics. I know how it feels like when YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN.   The process of going through all these so called challenges are really not easy. It's mind-torturing, it is breaking me apart. On the verge of collapsing, you have to stand up again by yourselves. You have to choose whether you want to survive or quit. Urgh~it's ain't easy when the latter is more appealing to you. You have to remind yourselves do not quit, You must got the courage to face it and be strong. Incorporating  your strength and psychology  and FIGHT.


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