Pre-Thanksgiving Day

Never thought that I will be celebrating Christmas and exchange gift for the first time.
It's going to happen on Friday, lol.
We were told to pick names from the Santa Clause huge socks in the afternoon to determine who is the lucky person that will receive our gift. I was so eager to know who will I receive the gift from. Everyone is trying hard to keep the secret from each other, though some are still whispering among
Since it's on this Friday, most of us are rushing to buy gifts. I still hope that we were informed earlier so that we have ample time to choose. Thus, right after working hour my colleague and I went to KLCC. We were allowed to leave 30 minutes earlier today as it was predicted or assumed that the roads will be flooded with rainwater. Anyhow, we had waited for like 30 minutes in the lobby before we took off. Basically no one wanted to be drenched or struck by lightning (my colleague's joke).As I'm a choosey or slow person when buying a gift. I took ages to choose the item that I wanted to buy though the shop was not huge and pretty much not many varieties they are having.
The main problem is, I was undecided. Not sure which one is the best and I can't deny that some personal feelings did involve when I was chosing the gift. I chose it because I like it. Lol . I really have to apologize to my colleague for waiting for me as she ended up getting home late for today.
p/s: Didn'tmanage to take the picture before the item was wrapped as I requested the gift shop to do it for me instead. okay, lazy. Lol
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